Important Question
At this juncture a very crucial question arises, the right answer to which can explain the logical relation between the Islamic metaphysical beliefs discussed above — that is, belief in Allah and in the Hereafter — and the doctrine of Prophethood. The question is: on what basis is man to be judged in the Hereafter? Or, in other words, on what grounds is man accountable for his deeds on the Day of Judgement?
The most authentic explanation of this issue, in the light of the Holy Qur’an, can be very succinctly expressed thus:
Primarily (and essentially), a man is accountable for his deeds on the grounds of natural capacities and higher faculties which are bestowed on him by Allah (SWT), viz., the abilities of sight and hearing and reasoning, the faculties of perception and intuition and insight, and a powerful penchant and love for the Creator — that is to say, the three faculties of nafs (self), qalb (heart), and ruh (spirit or soul).
Almighty Allah (SWT) has, in His infinite Mercy, supplemented the above
mentioned inherent potentialities of man with heavenly guidance through
revelation of Books and sending of His Prophets and Messengers, so that men
might have no excuse before God on the Day of Judgement, so that they may not
be in a position to plead ignorance. Revelation and Prophethood is thus an
additional (and external, so to say) factor that makes man fully answerable to
God for his deeds in the Hereafter. This point, however, calls for a little
To Be Continued ....