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Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Qur’an, the Family and Crime

The Qur’an, the Family and Crime

By Sheikh Imran Hosein


The “Family” has been under a devastating, multi-pronged attack for many decades by the secularism-based prevailing culture.  “Family” used to be understood as the social unit based on the union of a male and a female, married to each other, and the offspring they beget or adopt (even if death of one of the partners, or divorce, subsequently, takes place).


Then the prevailing culture stepped in and launched a concerted attack on the institution of marriage and on its relevance in modern society.  The culture, invented in Hollywood and slowly foisted upon an unsuspecting world, was used with devastating effect.  And the blueprint for this freeing up of humanity from traditional restraints and allowing them previously unknown, undiluted sexual freedom and “happiness”, was provided by Alfred Kinsey “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male – 1948 and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female – 1953”,  purporting to show that there were no such things as “normality” or” abnormality” in sexual behavior.

What was touted as serious scientific research was later revealed to be fraudulent research in Kinsey, Sex and Fraud, the Indoctrination of a People – Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel “1990 – Lochinvar – Huntingdon House, USA”.  Among other things, it was shown that about a quarter of his male sample were prisoners, including hundreds of male prostitutes.  And that data from abusive and unlawful experiments conducted by paedophiles on children, some as young as two months old, was used.  By then, however, the damage had already been done.



Eugenicists, like Marie Stopes in England and Margaret Sanger in America, had been endeavouring to stop “inferior” strains of human beings from breeding and damaging the racial stock, through birth control.  However when the truth about the Nazi programme to breed a master race emerged,  the eugenics movement went underground and re-invented itself as the Family Planning Movement.  The eugenicists, Margaret Sanger (who had coined the phrase “Birth Control” to create a race of Thoroughbreds) founded the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and then in 1952, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), with headquarters in London.

So as Kinsey’s reports were being accepted, the attack on marriage and marital fidelity was bolstered by this re-invented Eugenics Movement with the euphemistic name of International Planned Parenthood Federation, the policies of which, are carried out in each country by IPPF’s member bodies.  For example, as far as sexual permissiveness is concerned, an IPPF report published in 1984, The Human Right to Family Planning stated that children from age 10 should have full access to fertility regulation, information and services with guaranteed privacy and confidentiality – i.e. without the consent of the parents.  Earlier, in 1972, the British Family Planning Association (a founder-member of IPPF) had published a highly permissive book for adolescents entitled 'Learning to Live with Sex,' which ended with a list of contraception, abortion and homo-sexual agencies with the message, “All these places will treat your problems sympathetically and not tell your parents unless you want them to know.”



This body, closely linked to the population control movement, had its first director, Dr. Mary Calderone, re-iterate some objectives, which included:

merging or reversing the sexes or sex roles (interchangeability of male and female roles),

liberating children from their families.

abolishing the family as we know it.

[THE SIECUS Circle – A Humanist Revolution – Claire Chambers -1997]



The attack on marriage and marital fidelity was so powerful that in many countries marriage was effectively removed from the equation.  So much so that when some teachers in the UK were asked whether they were teaching sex education from the point of view of married family life (as laid down in the UK Gov’t Circular 11/87), they said it was no longer possible for them to do so, because a large number of children came from parents who live together but are not married, and it would therefore be insulting to the parents of such children to invoke “married family life” in the classroom.

So the “family” came to be understood as the social unit based on the union of a male and a female together with their offspring (i.e. marriage removed from the equation).



While social engineering was proceeding through the attack on marriage and marital fidelity, the “father” in the family was being lampooned and/or ignored.  Is it only coincidence that for decades we were treated to cartoons like Dagwood, Jiggs, Andy Cap etc. portraying bungling buffoons as the father/husband figures?  And one consumer group in the US found that in prime time entertainment TV the majority of the programmes had no father figure and in the remaining minority, a majority had an ineffective father figure. Attack on the family from another angle!



Simultaneously there was a crusade to motivate mothers against breastfeeding their babies.  “Manufactured baby food is better”, “Breastfeeding will cramp your lifestyle”,  “Your figure will be damaged through breastfeeding” etc.  So, en masse, mothers turned to artificial baby “milk”, (giving up the Divinely provided nutrition for babies, always at the right temperature, always in the right concentration etc – mother’s milk).  This compromised the physical health of even those babies who were fed as per instructions.  And in the poor countries, where large numbers of mothers could not afford the amount of baby “milk” needed, they diluted it below recommended levels resulting in malnutrition.  Even worse, since clean drinking water in not available in much of God’s earth, babies were being fed polluted water.  By the time international agencies woke up the damage had already been done.  So now, only a minority of mothers nurse their babies on demand.

Apart from compromising the physical health of the young, the move away from breastfeeding caused serious, deleterious effects on the mental, emotional and social health and stability of children.  It has been found that non-breastfed children had greater difficulty in bonding with others, in establishing positive relationships with others, in respecting authority, etc.  This had the effect of, among other things, unraveling the social fabric of the family.



The prevailing culture continued with its attack relentlessly – now attacking “union of a male and a female”.  Homosexuality began to be vigorously promoted as acceptable alternative lifestyles and portrayed openly by the entertainment media.  So now there is no longer any need to have a union of a male and a female – there can be a union of two males or two females.


After decades of attack, the “family” has deteriorated into a social group based on the union of two persons (a male and a female, or two females, or two males) together with their biological or adopted children.  Or it is a social group of one adult (male or female) and biological or adopted children where that adult chooses to live without a partner (and not as a result of death of the partner or divorce).

This disjointed, dysfunctional family, in a prevailing culture, that propagates that the individual makes his own values and that she/he is doomed to extinction, if not today, then tomorrow (as death is the total annihilation of life) cannot, and does not, provide the individual with the badly-needed emotional and mental stability and with the strong inter-personal relationships that bonding in the “family” of yester-year used to provide.  The individual, left to fend for himself/herself may very well gravitate towards criminal gangs and anti-social groups, where he/she is accepted and accorded some measure of respect.



Naturally, the obvious path for us to adopt is the striving to re-enthrone the “family” that is the social unit based on the union of a male and a female married to each other together with their biological or adopted children, in a culture that upholds and inculcates objective moral values and which teaches that every human being will be accountable for every single act of his or hers, on the Day of Judgment.  A concerted collective effort is essential to challenge our music and other forms of entertainment and our prevailing lifestyle, which all teach otherwise.  Are we bold enough to begin and continue such an effort?



The Final Revelation from the One True God to mankind is the Qur’an, which He, the Almighty, has preserved against any change or tampering by enthusiasts, translators and would-be interpolators.  In God’s Guidance, enshrined in this Final Revelation, the “family” is the building block of the community/society, as it provides the first and basic social environment for the individual.  The socio-moral discipline he/she acquires within the family would play a vital role in respect of his/her socio-moral behavior relating to the community, the country and humanity at large.

In constructing a strong community, we need to strengthen and re-inforce the building blocks – the families.  Any weakness in the family would, sooner or later, transfer itself to the community.



This includes :

  • Strengthening the foundation of the family – marriage, the goal of which is the attainment of peace, solace, tranquility of the spouses in each other’s company.

  • Uncompromising emphasis on marital fidelity i.e. chastity of both husband and wife.

  • Moulding the husband-wife relationship in accordance with God’s Guidance.

  • Establishing and developing parent-child and child-parent relationships in harmony with God’s Guidance.

  • Unswerving devotion and submission to the One True God on the part of all members of the family.

May the Infinitely-Merciful, Ever-Bountiful, Absolutely-Loving Creator bless us with the capability to strive as we aught to strive. Ameen!

Marriage In Islam By Sheikh Imran Hosein

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Significance of The Obligations Muslims Owe to the Qur’an

A Direct Word with the Reader

In this booklet, I have given you an idea of the duties which we as Muslims owe to the Qur’an. In the end, I must urge you with all the emphasis at my command to make an earnest effort to discharge these duties with utmost care. We are the most fortunate people in the world in the sense that we possess the Book of Allah (SWT) perfectly intact in its original form.

Whereas it is a cause of great honor for us, it also lays upon us a heavy responsibility. Prior to the advent of Islam, the Israelites were the custodians of Allah’s Book, but when they did not discharge  their  responsibilities  and  proved  unworthy  of  the honor conferred upon them, Almighty Allah (SWT) raised a new Ummah (i.e., the Muslims) and vouchsafed His Book to them in the  form  of  the  Qur’an.  In  Surah  Al-Jumu‘ah  we  have  a similitude of the people who did not fulfill the duties that devolved upon them as custodians of Allah’s Book.

This similitude of those who were charged with the (obligation of) Torah, but who subsequently failed in this (obligation) is that of a donkey which carries huge volumes... (Al-Jumu‘ah 62:5)

In the subsequent part of the ayah, it has been plainly stated that their failure to discharge their obligations towards their Holy Book is tantamount to their denying its truth:

…How bad is the similitude of people who deny the ayaat of Allah…. 
(Al-Jumu ‘ah 62:5)

The ayah ends in the categorical declaration that it is not in Allah’s nature to grant guidance to such people:

…and Allah guides not the people who are wrongdoers. (Al- Jumu‘ah 62:5)

God forbid that you or I be included among the people who are guilty of denying and rejecting the Book of Allah (SWT) by their negligence in the discharge of their obligations towards it and thus incur Allah’s wrath. 

I most earnestly pray that Allah (SWT) may make us custodians of the Qur’an in the real sense of the term, and enable us to fulfill our duties towards it in the best way, which may enable us to win His good pleasure.

We should remember the time when Allah’s Messenger (SAW) will appear as a prosecution witness in the Court of the Almighty and charge his people with forsaking the Qur’an:

And the Messenger will say: “O my Lord! Verily my people deserted this Qur’an. 
(Al-Furqan 25:30)

Although in this ayah the words “my people” refer to the unbelievers who turned a deaf ear to the Qur’an and treated it with disdain, nevertheless it applies with equal cogency to people like us who believe in the Qur’an but have practically rejected it as a thing of least moment or consequence.

Let me quote for your what Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani has to say on this point.

Although the ayah really refers to the conduct of the unbelievers, yet (it has a wider application, and) all those who do not confirm the truth of the Qur’an (by actually following its teachings in their life), do not ponder over its meanings, do not recite it properly, do not try to learn its correct reading; but indulge in all sorts of vain and frivolous pursuits turning their back upon it (also come under its purview and) would be considered guilty of abandonment of the Qur’an.18

Note-18:  By a strange coincidence that indicates the Maulana’s spiritual and intellectual kinship with the Holy Prophet (SAW), we have a similar wording in a tradition which runs as follow:

“O people of the Qur’an! Do not make the Qur’an a pillow (that you may sleep over it and put it behind your back). You should rather recite it day and night; propagate it (all over the world), read it in a pleasing voice; ponder over its meaning so that you may prosper.”

What  a  noble  title  has  been  conferred upon us!  How succinct the tradition that so beautifully sums up the duties that devolve upon us as “People of  the  Qur’an”! In fact, this masterpiece of conciseness is hundred times more expressive than any number of our long, pompous speeches on the subject. True was the claim of the Holy Prophet (SAW) that he was gifted with the power of laconic speech.

Let me once again seek Almighty’s protection against our being included among such people, and conclude my discourse with the following prayer which is generally offered on completing the recitation of the whole Qur’an but which, I believe, should frequently be offered so that Allah (SWT) may grant us strength to fulfill the duties we owe to His Book.

O my Lord! Be merciful to us because of (our link) with the Qur’an; 
make it for us a leader, (and a source of) light, guidance, and mercy, 
cause us to recall from it what we have failed to understand; 
give us strength to recite it day and night; 
and make it a plea for our salvation, 
O Lord of the worlds. 

Let me in the end present you the gift of a prayer which appears in a tradition narrated by Abdullah Ibn Mas‘ud (RAA). It is actually a prayer which the Holy Prophet (SAW) prescribed for his Companions (RAA) as a remedy for cares and worries. But it is a splendid supplication that shows the attitude of an ideal bondsman towards his Master and describes the curative effect of the Qur’an on the human soul. It also indicates how deep a devotion the Holy Prophet (SAW) had for the Qur’an and in how high an esteem he held it. The prayer runs as follows:

O Allah! Verily I am Your bondsman, 
the son of Your bondsman, and the son of Your bondsmaid. 
I am under Your Control. My fore-lock is in Your Hand. 
Your decision is to be executed about me, 
and just shall be Your judgment in my case. 

I beg You — 
addressing You with all those names that You have named Yourself with, 
or that You have taught any of Your creatures, 
or that You have revealed in Your Book, 
or that You have preferred to keep secret in the realm of the Unseen — 
to make the Qur’an a source of delight for my heart 
and of light for my breast, 
and an instrument of dispelling my grief, 
and driving away my cares and worries. 
Accept this prayer of mine, 
O Lord of the Words!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Tableegh Wa Tabyeen (Convey its message and teachings to others)

The words of the Holy Prophet (SAW) “Convey from me to the people though it be a single ayah prove it beyond any shadow of doubt that no individual is exempt from this duty. If a person can only read the Arabic text of the Qur’an, he should teach others to do so; one who has memorized the whole Qur’an should help others in memorizing it; one who can translate the text, should do so for others; and one who can comprehend its meaning should explain and interpret it to others. If a person understands the meaning of a single Surah and explains the same to others, and if he knows only a single ayah and teaches it to others, he will be discharging the duty of communicating the Qur’an; but the collective duty of the Ummah in this connection will not be fulfilled unless the Qur’an, both its text and its message, is propagated everywhere, throughout the length and breadth of the world.
Unfortunately,   under the present   conditions, this universal proclamation of Allah’s Message, which is expected of the Muslim Ummah, seems to be a far cry or an unattainable ideal, because things have come to such a pass that the Ummah to whom this great and honorific duty was assigned has itself grown ignorant of the Qur’an. Today, the Muslim Ummah itself needs to be instructed in the Book of Allah (SWT) which it has practically forsaken. Hence what is urgently required under the present situation is that a movement for learning and teaching the Qur’an should be launched among the Muslims themselves so that they may develop a fresh attitude of devotion to, and interest in the study of the Qur’an. May Allah (SWT) grant us the strength to carry out this task. Ameen!
As it has been pointed out in the beginning of this discussion,  a higher form of tableegh  (communication)  is tabyeen (exposition). The message of the Qur’an is not only to be communicated but its meanings are also to be explained and interpreted to the people. In Qur’anic terminology, this has been called tabyeen, Hence tableegh and tabyeen appear together in the title of this section. It will be seen that the exposition of the Qur’an demands that one who undertakes this task should talk to his audience at their own level so that the truths of the Qur’an are brought home to them and, secondly, explain to them the implications and arguments of different ayahs and Surahs.
It will be noted that the Qur’an calls itself Bayan (a plain statement).
This  is a plain  statement to mankind,  a guidance and instruction  to those who are God-conscious….
(Aal  Imran 3:138)
The Qur’an frequently characterizes itself as mubeen (clear), and its ayaat as bayyinat and mubayyinat (clear signs or manifestations). It also points out that to explain and interpret the Divine Scriptures is the responsibility of the prophets and their followers to whom these are vouchsafed. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is addressed on this point in the following words:
…and We sent down unto you (O Muhammad!) the Reminder, that you may explain clearly to mankind what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought.
(Al-Nahl 16:44)
It has been stated about the Jews and Christians that they were bound by a covenant to explain the Book of Allah (SWT) to mankind:
And (remember) when Allah took a covenant from the People of the Book to make it (the Revelation) known and clear to mankind, and not to hide it….
(Aal Imran 3:187)
When they did not fulfill this covenant and, on the contrary, tried to conceal the truth, they were accursed:
Verily, those who conceal the clear signs We have sent down, and the guidance after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, on them shall be Allah’s Curse and the curse of those entitled to curse.
(Al-Baqarah 2:159)
It may be noted that tabyeen has different forms. Its simplest form consists in expressing the plain meaning of the Qur’an in an easy, straightforward manner in the common language of the people. Naturally, the medium to be used for explaining  the Qur’an to the people has to be their own language.
And We sent not a messenger except (to teach) in the language of his own people, in order to make things clear to them….
(Ibrahim 14:4)
Tabyeen in its highest form is rather a job with a challenge. One who resolves upon fulfilling his duty of explaining the Qur’an in this sense of the term will not merely translate its text, but he will try to unfold the knowledge and wisdom contained in this great Book and bring out the implied meanings and subtle significance of its ayaat and Surahs. He will explain the mode of inference and deduction adopted by the Qur’an and repudiate effectively,  with the help of Qur’anic arguments, the false notions and misleading views prevalent among the people. He will endeavor to establish the truth of the Qur’an and its teachings, reasoning convincingly at the highest plane of thought accessible to the people in a particular age according to its intellectual advancement.

Regarding the question as to how can we discharge our responsibility of explaining the Qur’an and bringing its message home to the people, we can say that for tabyeen in its simplest form we should publish translations and commentaries of the Holy Book in all the important languages of the world and circulate them widely. So far as our obligation for tabyeen in its highest form is concerned, it cannot be properly and adequately discharged, as we have already suggested, unless we set up all over the Muslim world a network of such universities  and academies as may concentrate on Qur’anic study and research, assigning it the central place in the scheme of their disciplines. Through standard institutions of this type we shall be able to explain the teachings of the Qur’an to the people of the modern world.

To Be Continued....

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Tableegh Wa Tabyeen (Propagation of the Qur’anic message and its exposition)

Tableegh Wa Tabyeen

(Propagation of the Qur’anic message
and its exposition)
Besides the four duties that we owe to the Qur’an, i.e., believing it to be the Book of Allah (SWT), reading it, understanding it,  and acting upon its teachings, another duty which rests upon every Muslim and which he must discharge according to his strength   and ability, is that he must communicate its teachings to others.
For “communicating the message of the Qur’an to the people,” the appropriate and comprehensive terms is tableegh. Teaching the Qur’an to others is also a form of tableegh. Similarly, explaining the meanings of the Qur’an to the people is tableegh at a higher plane.
In order to understand the importance of this duty that we owe to the Qur’an, let us consider the purpose for which the Holy Book was revealed. It has been stated by the Qur’an itself in the following words:
This (Qur’an) is a message to the people, in order that they may be warned thereby….
(Ibrahim 14:52)
Again, it declares the basic objective of its being revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) in ayah 19 of Surah Al-An‘am:
Say (O Muhammad!): “…and this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn you therewith and whomsoever it may reach….”
(Al-An‘am 6:19)
The Qur’an also announces in clear-cut words that it was the foremost duty of the Holy Prophet (SAW) to communicate the message of the Qur’an to mankind with utmost faithfulness, and that the slightest negligence in the fulfillment of this duty would be a serious dereliction of his prophetic mission. Hence the peremptory command in Surah Al-Ma’idah:
O Messenger! Proclaim that which has been sent down to you from your Lord. If you do not, then you have not conveyed his message….
(Al-Ma’idah 5:67)
In perfect obedience to this command, the Holy Prophet (SAW), right from the moment he received the first revelation to the last minute of his earthly life, for full 23 years, bore untold hardships   and waged a ceaseless struggle to fulfill the momentous duty entrusted to him. Although this long and heroic struggle passed through many phases and he had to play different roles for the fulfillment of his mission, still the Qur’an was, all along, the pivotal point of all his activities. He was constantly occupied with reciting the Qur’an, explaining its meanings and communicating its message to the people, thereby enlightening their minds and purifying their souls. The Qur’an describes the basic methodology of the Holy Prophet (SAW) by means of four highly significant terms, which are: recitation of Divine ayaat, purification of souls, instructions regarding the law, and inculcation of wisdom. These terms appear at four different places in the Qur’an:
…he (the Messenger) recites to them His ayaat (the Qur’anic verses), purifies them, and instructs them in kitab (the law) and wisdom….
(Aal Imran 3:164 & Al-Jumu‘ah 62:2)
Obviously, these words indicate the same technique as we have suggested in the foregoing pages while explaining the right method of bringing about the Islamic Revolution in our society. In short, pursuing this method with extraordinary courage and perseverance for 23 years, the Holy Prophet (SAW) acquitted himself admirably and communicated Allah’s Message to mankind. He also sought the cooperation of his devoted Companions (RAA) for the completion of his mission, exhorting them to:
Convey from me to the people even if it be a single ayah.
(Narrated by Bukhari)
Having accomplished his mission, the Holy Prophet (SAW) transferred the responsibility of propagating the message of the Qur’an in the future to his Ummah. Having obtained more than once  the testimony of the people to  the effect that he had, indeed, successfully conveyed Allah’s Message to them, the Prophet (SAW), in his historic address to a gathering of 125 thousand Companions (RAA) on the occasion of the last pilgrimage, issued the abiding instructions:
Those who are present should convey (Allah’s Message) to those who are not.
(Narrated by Bukhari)
Thus the duty of spreading the message of the Qur’an to every nook and corner of the world was devolved on the shoulders of the Ummah for all time to come, and the Ummah as a whole shall be answerable to the Almighty with regard to this arduous duty. As the Ummah consists of the individuals, every individual is responsible for the discharge of this duty: men of learning according to their knowledge and ability and common people according to their means and capability.
To Be Continued....


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(1) cult (2) cupping (1) currency (3) Curse (11) Curved (1) Cyprus (1) Da'wah (37) daawah (1) Daily (4) dajjal (34) Dakha (1) Damascus (6) David (5) Dawn (5) Dawud (3) Day (26) Day Break (1) De Lacy O'Leary (1) Deal (2) Death (39) debts (3) deception (8) declaration (3) Decree (3) Deeds (40) Deen (88) defense (4) delegation (1) Delhi (1) delusion (1) Demand (4) democracy (6) Deny (6) dereliction (1) derision (2) descent (2) Desire (30) destiny (3) destruction (5) devotion (4) Dhūl Qarnain (6) differences (1) dimension (8) dinar (1) dirham (1) Disbeliever (49) discipline (14) diseases (35) displeasure (6) disposal (1) Disputation (1) Distinguish (3) divine (9) Divorce (12) Diwand Chand Sharma (1) doctrines (3) dogma (3) Dominion (6) Doomsday (17) doubt (4) Dr Zakir Naik (1) dreams (3) drink (3) Dua (1) Dubai (2) Dubious (1) Duties (29) Earth (24) Earthquake (2) easy (10) economy (13) education (9) egotism (3) Egypt (8) Eid (10) Eid ul Adha (3) Eid ul Fitr (1) elections (10) Elephant (1) Elevation (1) eloquence (4) emotions (6) emphasis (2) employee (1) Emulous (1) end times (8) Enemy (16) energy (1) England (1) enjoining good and forbidding evil (14) enlightenment (5) environment (4) envy (4) epistemology (9) epoch (2) eschatology (4) establish (43) Etiquette (3) Euphrates (2) European (14) Event (7) Everlasting (1) Evidence (15) evil (16) exalted (1) Examine (4) Example (22) excellence (1) excess (1) excuses (3) exemption (1) exhorting (6) Expansion (1) expedition (4) explanation (10) exploitation (6) fair market (1) Faith (46) Family (22) fantasizing (2) FAQ on Islam (58) Fasting (32) father (5) Fatiha (2) fear (20) feminism (4) Fig (2) fight (7) firasa (1) fire (10) firm (3) fitnah (2) Fitra (2) Flock (1) flogging (3) floor (1) fo (1) Folded (1) followers (10) Food (15) forbearance (1) forbidden (4) Fore (1) forgiveness (14) Forgiver (8) Fornication (6) Forth (1) foundation (3) France (2) Fraud (5) freedom (12) french (1) Friday (1) Friend (4) Frown (1) function (4) fundamental (6) Gabriel (11) Gain (1) gambling (1) Gathering (5) gaze (1) generosity (1) Genie (1) Georgia (1) Germany (2) Ghana (1) Ghazali (1) Gibbon (2) Glory (5) gluttony (1) goal (24) God (12) Gog Magog (13) Gold (4) good (10) Gospel (2) Gracious (3) gratitude (11) grave (2) Great (11) Greece (1) greed (2) Greeks (1) grief (3) Groups (11) guard (5) guests (1) Guidance (82) guilt (1) Guinea (1) Gujrat (1) H.A.R. Gibb (1) habits (1) Hadeed (2) Hadith (29) Hafiz (1) Hajj (13) halaal (4) haraam (5) harm (2) hatred (2) haughty (3) healing (5) health (11) Heart (75) Heaven (15) Hebrew (2) heed (2) heedlessness (5) Hegel (1) Heights (1) Hejaz (1) Hell (24) Help (7) Heraclius (4) Hercegowina (2) Hereafter (64) hermit (1) High (1) Hijab (10) Hijrah (14) hijri (1) Hills (1) Hindu (17) history (55) Hizbullah (2) home (2) Homosexuals (9) Homs (2) Honey (1) hoor (1) hope (4) horns (1) Horse (1) Hour (3) House (4) hub (1) Hud (2) Hudaibiya (5) humble (11) humility (2) Hungary (1) Hungry (2) hurt (1) husband (10) Hyderabad (1) Hypocrites (14) Ibadah (2) Iblees (4) Ibrahim (14) Iddat (1) ideal (4) idol (4) ignorance (11) Ihsaan (10) Illinois (1) Illusion (2) Iman (12) Immigrants (4) imperative (9) imperialism (3) implications (6) Imran (5) in the cause of Allah (6) India (8) Indonesia (2) Inevitable (6) influence (8) Inheritance (7) iniquity (2) Innocence of Muslims (6) innovation (1) insidious (1) insight (36) inspiration (2) intellect (17) Intention (8) interest (15) interpretation (27) intoxicants (4) intuition (4) inviting (7) Iqbal (7) Iqra (2) Iran (8) Iraq (5) Iron (2) Isfahan (2) Ishaq (4) Islam (265) Islamic Architecture (105) Islamic Party (23) Islamic Public Order (6) Islamic State (27) Ismail (4) isolation (2) Isra (10) Israel (19) Israr (11) Istanbul (5) ita`ah (1) Italy (1) jacob (1) Jafar al Tayyar (2) Jakarta (2) Jama'ah (8) Japan (1) jasad (18) jealousy (1) Jerusalem (18) Jesus (35) Jews (28) Jihaad (23) Jinn (13) John (4) Jonah (3) Jordan (1) Joseph (5) Journey (6) Judaism (1) Judgement (59) Jumu'ah (3) Justice (59) Kaaba (3) Kahf (7) Karachi (1) Kazakhstan (1) Kazan (1) Kenya (1) Kerala (1) Key (5) Khilafah (7) Khizr (6) Khorasan (1) Khosrow (1) Khyber (2) Kindness (11) King (11) Kneeling (1) knife (1) Knowledge (76) Kosovo (1) Kuala Lumpur (1) Kuala Terengganu (1) Kurd (1) Kuwait (1) Kyrgyzstan (2) Lahore (1) Laila-tul-Qadr (2) Lamartine (1) language (19) Las Vegas (1) Last Day (17) Law (20) lazy (1) leader (30) learn (4) Lebanon (1) legal (11) Lesson (8) Letters (5) Li'an (1) Liberia (1) Liberty (4) Libya (1) lie (3) life (47) Light (26) lineage (1) link (2) listen (6) listen and obey (8) logical (6) London (1) Loss (4) lost (1) Lot (6) love (16) loyalty (2) lust (4) Macedonia (1) Madagascar (1) Madinah (17) Magician (1) Magnet (1) Mahatma Gandhi (1) Mahram (4) Maidah (1) Makkah (20) Malawi (1) Malaysia (7) Malcolm-X (3) Mali (1) malice (1) Man (7) Mankind (14) manners (5) Marriage (22) Martyr (5) Mary (8) Maryam (7) Masjid (100) Masjid Al Nabawi (3) master (1) materialism (8) Mauritius (1) meaning (15) Meat (3) media (12) mediocre (1) meditate (3) melodious (4) memorizing (7) menstruation (2) Merciful (17) Messengers (35) metaphysical (9) methodology (70) Mexico (1) Mi'raj (9) Migrate (9) minister (1) Miracle (10) Mirage (2) Miraj (1) misconception (15) miserliness (2) Mission (12) mistake (5) mock (3) Model (10) modesty (13) Monasticism (3) Monger (1) Mongolia (1) monotheism (3) Months (8) Monuments (11) Moon (15) morality (22) Morocco (2) Moses (7) Mosque (96) Mother (6) Mount Sinai (1) Mountain (5) movement (10) Mozambique (1) Mubah (1) Mubarak (9) Muhajir (1) Muhammad (79) Mumbai (1) Mumtahana (1) munafiqun (1) Muqatta’āt (2) murder (2) Musa (18) Muscat (1) Muslim (223) Muslim Village (4) Mutashābihāt (4) Mutual (1) mystery (57) myth (2) nafs (8) Nairobi (1) Najm (1) name (5) Narration (5) nation (11) nature (6) nazar (2) negligence (5) negus (1) neighbour (3) Netherlands (1) network (1) News (1) Niger (1) Nigeria (1) Night (14) Night Journey (4) Night of Power (2) Night Vigil (3) Nikah (2) Nisa (2) Noah (10) Non-Muslim (5) Noon (1) Noor (3) Numbers (116) Oath (5) Obedience (34) Objective (36) Obligation (87) Ocean (8) Oman (3) One (15) only (2) Opening (3) opinion (7) oppression (27) order (9) organization (21) Origin (5) Orphans (5) orthodox (4) ostentation (5) Ottoman (2) Overwhelming (1) owe (24) pact (2) Pakistan (8) Palestine (5) Palm (1) Panorama (1) paper money (4) Paradise (19) Paraguay (1) Parents (13) partial (1) party (4) Passive (2) path (2) Patience (17) Peace (14) Pearls (5) Pen (2) People (7) perception (21) permissible (7) persecution (5) Perseverance (11) Persia (2) perspective (11) pervert (1) Pharaoh (20) phenomenon (1) Philippines (1) Philosophy (29) physical (5) Piety (5) Pilgrimage (5) pillars (3) plan (23) Pledge (24) Poets (2) poison (1) political (24) polygyny (2) Ponder (20) poor (5) pope (1) Pornography (1) poverty (2) power (25) Practice (32) Prayer (36) Pre-requisites (8) preaching (18) pride (3) principles (5) priorities (9) Prisoner (4) Prizren (1) problem (6) Proclaim (23) Prohibition (23) promise (2) propagating (9) property (7) prophecy (12) Prophets (86) Prostration (9) protection (11) Protest (4) provisions (5) prying (1) Psalms (1) Psychology (13) Pulsiraat (1) Punishment (37) Purity (39) purpose (16) Qadr (3) Qaf (1) Qaroon (1) Qatar (1) Qiblah (9) Qiyam-ul-lail (1) Qiyamah (1) Qualities (2) Queen (1) question (63) Quill (1) Qur'an (286) Quraish (5) Qurbani (2) rabbis (1) Rajab (2) Ramadhan (22) rancor (4) Ranged (1) Ranks (2) ransom (2) rapes (4) Razi (1) Read (15) Reality (20) realization (4) Rebellion (4) Recitation (42) reflection (20) reformers (4) refuge (10) relatives (10) Reliance (3) religion (79) relying (2) remedies (5) Remember (28) Renaissance (14) Repent (25) resistance (5) responsibilities (24) Resurrection (27) retribution (5) Reveal (11) Revelation (52) reverence (8) revive (4) Revolution (35) Reward (30) rhythmic (2) Riba (17) Right Way (20) Righteousness (12) rights (19) rituals (4) River (2) Rocky (1) Romania (1) Romans (3) Rome (1) Rope (11) Row (1) Rūm (1) rumi (1) Run (2) Ruqayyiah (1) Russia (4) Sacrifice (19) Safiya (1) Sajdah (2) Salahuddin (1) Salat (13) Saleh (2) Salvation (16) Samarkand (1) Sand (1) sarcastic (1) Sarojini Naidu (1) Satan (18) satisfaction (2) Satr (1) Saudi Arabia (18) Saul (1) Scandal (2) Scatter (1) scholars (24) science (21) sclerosis (1) scriptures (28) Sea of Galilee (1) seal (2) seclusion (1) Secret (2) Sects (14) secular (30) security (7) Seek (5) Seerah (9) self (21) self restraint (2) Seljuk (1) Senegal (1) Sense (7) Sent (1) Seoul (1) sequence (2) Serbia (1) sermon (9) servant (7) sex (21) Shaban (2) shade (2) Shah Waliullah (2) Shahadah (2) Shaheed (2) Shaikh-ul-Hind (1) Shaitan (17) shame (3) Shariah (19) Sheba (2) sheep (1) shepherd (2) shirk (19) Shrik (7) Shuaib (2) shura (1) Sign (46) significance (19) silence (1) similitude (4) sin (7) sincerity (3) Singapore (1) sinkings (2) Sins (14) Slanderer (2) slaughter (2) slave (8) sleep (1) slow (2) Smoke (3) social (24) society (56) socio-politico-economic system (25) sorcery (1) Soul (71) sound (5) source (7) South Africa (1) South America (1) sovereignty (15) space (2) Spain (5) speak (2) speech (5) spell (1) Spider (1) Spiritual (100) Splitting (2) Spoils (1) spouse (4) Sri Lanka (1) stages (5) Stars (7) Start (3) State (36) steadfast (3) Stingy (2) stoning (3) Story (2) strategy (20) strength (1) Striking (4) strive (15) Strong (4) struggle (36) Stubborn (2) student (2) study (49) Suad (1) Subdue (2) submission (13) submit (2) Success (12) Sudan (1) sufi (3) suicide (1) Sulaiman (13) Sumayyah (2) summon (2) Sun (4) Sunnah (38) Sunrise (4) sunset (3) superiority (3) superstition (1) supplication (4) Supreme (5) Surah (129) Sure (3) Suriname (1) surrender (6) suspicion (2) Sustainer (4) sustenance (5) Swearing (1) sword (7) Sydney (1) symbol (2) synthesis (1) Syria (8) system (15) Taahaa (1) Taara (1) Tabari (1) Table (1) Tableegh (24) Tabriz (1) Tabuk (1) Tabyeen (3) tadabbur (6) Tahajjud (1) Taif (3) Tajweed (5) Takbeer (1) Tanzania (1) taqwa (15) Taraweeh (2) tarteel (7) Tatar (1) taubah (1) Tauheed (1) Tawaf (2) tazakkur (5) teachings (49) Tear Out (1) technology (3) Tehreek-e-Shaheedain (2) temptation (6) terrorists (11) Test (13) testify (7) Thailand (1) Thamud (2) Thankful (6) theft (1) think (27) Thomas Carlyle (2) Those Who Runs (3) throne (11) Thunder (2) tilawat (4) Timbuktu (1) Time (52) Tokyo (1) tolerance (1) tone (2) Tongue (4) Torah (14) Toronto (1) touch (1) Tract (1) trade (3) traditions of Prophet Muhammad (15) training (1) traits (1) transcendental (9) transgression (3) Translation (15) traveling (1) Treaty (3) Tree (3) Trench (1) trials (6) Tribe (10) Trust (10) Truth (84) try (1) Tunisia (1) Tur (1) Turkestan (1) Turkey (12) Turkmenistan (2) Turks (2) Twilight (1) UAE (1) Uganda (1) Uhud (4) Ulu Cami (1) Ummah (50) understand (277) Unique (13) unite (9) Universe (21) unseen (10) USA (2) Uzbekistan (4) values (10) vanity (2) Vedas (1) veil (3) Venezuela (1) verse (13) vicegerent (4) Victory (5) Vietnam (1) vigilant (1) violence (5) virtues (6) vision (9) Visitor (1) voice (3) Wait (2) wajib (2) Wall (3) wantonness (2) waqi'a (1) War (21) Warning (27) Washington (1) water (1) Way (3) Weakness (2) wealth (9) weapon (1) western (17) wife (10) Will (10) William Draper (1) Wind (4) Wisdom (21) Wise Man (3) Witness (17) Wives (5) Women (51) words (14) workers (2) World (36) worries (1) worship (34) Wrapped (2) Wrath (4) wrong (9) Wudhu (6) Xian (1) Yaqoob (2) Yasin (1) Yassir (2) Yathrib (1) Yaum (1) year (3) Yemen (5) young (2) Yusuf (4) zakat (15) Zambia (1) Zilzal (1)