Action Agenda
the Muslim Ummah
Dr. Israr Ahmad
English Translation
Dr. Absar Ahmad
Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur’an
Original Title in Urdu
First Printing December 1997 1100
Second Printing December 2001 1100
Printed at: Shirkat Printing Press, Lahore
Published by: Markazi Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur’an Lahore
36-K, Model Town Lahore 54700 (Pakistan)
Phone: 5869501-03 Fax: 5834000
The Anjuman does not reserve to
itself any copyright for the publication of
this tract. It may be published by any person who
happens to be inspired by the
same purpose as the
Price Rs: 60
Translator's Note
The ideas and arguments put forward in this booklet were
originally presented by Dr. IsrarAhmad, Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, in his
numerous lectures, particularly two of his public speeches delivered at Karachi
in 1985 and 1990. Despite this gap of five years, the two lectures were
published together in Urdu on account of their common purpose and subject
matter, which is to educate and enlighten all those who profess to be Muslims
regarding the responsibilities of the Muslim Ummah as a whole, as well as the duties of its
individual members.
The issues that
are discussed in these lectures revolve around three ayaat
of the Holy Qur'an, which
occur in the middle of its third Surah. The remarkable feature of these ayaat
is that they describe, in
just a few words, the entire plan of action that must be adopted by Muslims if
they are to succeed in the Hereafter and redress their continuing humiliation
in this world.
The present
English translation, being a summary of the points covered in the public
addresses mentioned above, was initially published in three issues of the
monthly Hikmat-e-Qur'an , and now its revised
version is being presented in the form of a booklet. It is hoped that this
translation will go a long way in introducing the fundamental conceptions
behind the establishment of Markazi Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur’an Lahore
andTanzeem-e-Islami — the spearheads of revivalist struggle initially in
Pakistan and later spreading out to the entire world.
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