Dr. Israr Ahmad
English Translation
Dr. Absar Ahmad
First Edition: Jul, 1980 copies: 2000
Second Print: Jul, 1982 copies: 2200
Third Edition: Jan, 1992 copies: 1100
Fourth Print: Sep, 1993 copies: 1100
Fifth Print: Apr, 1996 copies: 1100
Sixth Edition: Aug, 2001 copies: 2200
Published by Markazi Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur’an, Lahore
36-K, Model Town, Lahore-54700.
Phone: 5869501-3,
Fax: 5834000
Email:, Webpage:
Original Title in Urdu: Islam Ki nash'at-e-sania - karne ka asli kaam
Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Israr Ahmad,
Renaissance: The Real Task Ahead.
Title II. Islam Ki nash'at-e-sania.
297 BP161.2
No rights reserved. The Anjuman does not reserve to itself any
copyright for the publication of this tract. It may be published by any person who happens
to be inspired by the same purpose as the author.
Price: Rs. 36/-
Cover Designed by
Baig's Design Studio
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GDS Printers
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Printed in Pakistan by Shirkat Printing Press, Lahore.
contents of this monograph were first published in the editorial columns of the
June, 1967 issue of Monthly “Meesaq”. Later on, in May 1968, it was published
in booklet form by Darul-Ishat-e-Islamia, Lahore. Since
then it has been brought out many times.
In this monograph, I have tried to present, to
the best of my ability and comprehension, an in-depth analysis of the current
religious and cultural attitude of Muslims all over the world. I have also discussed the nature of various movements
working for the renaissance of Islam, their achievements and their
shortcomings. On the positive side, my own prognosis for fruitful revivalist
work has been expressed schematically.
On the basis of my analysis, I have also
suggested a basic programme. As an immediate concrete step towards the
realization of an Islamic revival, the plan for the establishment of a Qur’an
Academy has been presented in detail.
After presenting this analysis and programme
of action, I myself launched a vigorous struggle and movement for religious
revival. With the grace of Almighty God,
my humble efforts have borne fruit. For the concerted and collective pursuance
of the goal of Islamic resurgence and especially for the establishment of the proposed
Qur’an Academy, Markazi Anjuman
Khuddam-ul-Quran was organized in Lahore.
The proposals and plans delineated in this booklet have been fully incorporated
in the constitution and objectives of the Anjuman. In fact some progress has already been made towards the
establishment of the Qur’an Academy.
monograph is being published for our readers by Markazi Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur’an who may take it as the Anjuman’s
manifesto. Even though many apparent changes have occurred
in the Islamic world over the past few years, no substantial transformation in the
complexion of the Islamic world has taken place. That is why it is being published
almost as it appeared for the first time. Only a brief account of progress made
so far in the establishment of the Qur’an Academy has been added in the last two
Dr. Israr Ahmad
Founder President
Markazi Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur’an
Global Domination of Western Thought ........................ 6
The Fundamental Point of View
...................................... 7
Political and Ideological Onslaught of the West on
the Islamic World
............................................................... 8
The Early Defensive Attempts and Their
The Development of the Social Sciences ....................... 12
The Idea of an “Islamic Way of Life” and the
Twentieth Century Islamic Movements........................ 13
The Error of their Interpretation of Islam..................... 16
Revitalization of Faith: The Necessary Precondition
of an Islamic
Renaissance................................................ 19
The Real Task Ahead
....................................................... 23
A Blueprint for Action
..................................................... 28
End Notes ..........................................................................
- The way the British Empire had to vacate one after another her vast dominion is an eye opener for any thoughtful person.
- Ghulam Ahmad Pervez is the leading exponent of this school of thought in Pakistan. The purpose to mention Mr. Pervez’s thoughts here is to bring home to the reader the fact that this type of position is only the next logical step from the error inherent in most revivalist movements.
- The Prophet’s saying means that I find inner comfort in Salat i.e., the prayer offered five times a day.
- Fasting is like a shield protecting the soul against the sins.
- Holy tradition (Hadith Qudsi) is that tradition in which God speaks in the first person through the Prophet. There are forty of these in all. The “holy tradition” mentioned above means that fasting is for the pleasure of Allah and He will Himself grant its reward.
- A statement to this effect has been attributed to a well known “Kalamist” and advocate of Islam. The actual statement reportedly reads: “Islam is in fact a socio-political system onto which a veil of theology has been placed.”
- Even this state of affair is to be found in rather traditional and conservative Islamic movements. Otherwise the more liberal and progressive elements, under the impact of socialism and communism — the logical consequences of Western thought — have gone beyond calling Islam a socio-political system and regard it strictly an economic program. That is to say, for them Islam is co-extensive with a particular type of nizam-e-rabubiat. In the explanation of religious metaphysical beliefs and tenets of Iman they take their start from where Sayyid Ahmad Khan had got at through his rationalistic strain. By interpreting Paradise and Hell in terms of the well-being or otherwise of life here on this earth, and by interpreting Qiyamah in terms of atomic explosions, they have completely deprived Islam of its very spirit. In my view this is only the logical terminus of the materialistic interpretation of Islam. A criticism of this view is not my objective here because even though it is given the label of Quranic thought it is undoubtedly gross, crass, and naked materialism and anti-Quranic in spirit. This incidental allusion to the so-called “Quranic thought” has been made in order merely to show as to what extent secular version of religion can be pressed. A Persian verse depicts this situation very graphically thus: If a mason lays the foundation in a wrong way, The wall goes defective up to the summit.
- The terms Qal and Hal are often found in the literature of Tasawwuf or Islamic mysticism. Generally speaking, when the avowed attestation of Iman, something spoken and verbal, develops inwardly and permeates the entire being and activity of the believer, the Qal deepens and enriches into Hal.
- This refers to the Quran, verse of Surah Al-Baqarah, according to which Allah ordered the angels to prostrate before Adam.
- This is an alternative expression for Khilafate-e-Rashida, the “Rightly Guided” Khilafah of Hadrat Abu Bakr, Hadrat Umar, Hadrat Uthman and Hadrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with them all).
- This refers to the saying of the Prophet: “If Allah guides a man to the right path through your effort and struggle, this is better for you than the costly brown camels.”
- This is how philosophers have traditionally conceived of God as Necessary and Ultimate Being existing independently and in its own right.
- According to Quranic Philosophy, a true knowledge of one’s own deeper self necessarily leads to awareness of the ultimate Self or God. There are also Prophet’s sayings to this effect.
- This refers to Iman Ghazali’s book Refutation of Philosophers in which he tried to refute the rationalistic philosophies of the eleventh century.
- Here the allusion is to Imam Ibn Taimiyya’s book entitled Attack on the Logicians in which he criticized and conclusively refuted the argument advanced by the logicians of his time.
- The Prophet’s saying reads: “The best amongst you are those who learn the Quran and teach and impart it to others.”
To be Continued....
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