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Friday, December 16, 2022

Islamic Perspective of Gog Magog in th Modern World

Khul ga’ay Ya’juj aur Ma’juj kay lashkar tamam,

Chashmay Muslim dekh lay tafsiray harfay yansilun!

[Bang-e-Dara - Zarifana:23]


“Set loose are all the hordes of Gog and Magog;

To the Muslim eye manifest is the meaning of the word yansilun” (i.e. the

two verses of the Qur’an, al-Anbiyah’, 21:95-6, which end with the word yansiloon”)



An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age

 © Imran N. Hosein   2009


This book was written with the specific objective of inviting a response from those rivals of Islam in the modern age claiming to possess truth. The book also invites a response from the multiplicity of sects that now inhabit the house of Islam – sects that are obsessed with waging war on those who pursue the authentic Islamic spiritual quest (i.e. al-Ihsan or Tasawwuf). 


One of our objectives in writing this book was to attempt to bring such clarity to the subject of Gog and Magog as would dispel the layers of cobwebs that have accumulated over time. These cobwebs made it impossibly difficult for the subject to be understood. Even the Jewish Encyclopedia found it mysteriously necessary to add a substantial amount of cobweb (fairly dense cobweb at that) when choosing material which describes Gog and Magog in Arabic literature. Since this book is now completed we can, perhaps, take the liberty of sharing that hilarious cobweb with readers:


“They are of small stature, attaining to only one-half the size of a man (another report, in Yaut, i. 113, makes them larger). Very ferocious, they have claws instead of nails, teeth like a lion, jaws like a camel, and hair which completely hides the body. Their ears, hairy on one side, are so large that they use one for a bed and the other for a covering. They live principally on fish, which are miraculously provided for them. They resemble animals in their habits; and Mas'udi classes them among the beasts. They used to ravage the country, devouring every green thing; and it was to prevent this that the people living near them begged Alexander to build the wall shutting them in. It is even said that they were cannibals.”  (Jewish Encyclopedia, Article on Gog and Magog by Emil G. Hirsh and Mary Montgomery).


This book has presented arguments confirming that Gog and Magog are human beings. They were released into the world a very long time ago and began, with the European Crusades, their ‘thousand-year-old’ quest to liberate the qaryah (i.e., ‘town’) of Jerusalem and bring the Israelite people back to reclaim the Holy Land as their own. In pursuing that quest they fulfilled their role described in the blessed Qur’an in Surah al-Anbiyah’:94-5. 


We recognize the proactive Gog to be located within Western Europe’s mysterious Judeo-Christian alliance, which in turn, created modern Western secular civilization and the Anglo-American-Israeli triple alliance. We recognize the reactive Magog to be presently located in Russia. The Qur’an has strictly prohibited Muslims from maintaining, with a Jewish-Christian alliance, precisely the kind of friendly ties and alliance that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Pakistani elite (for example) have established with Britain and USA. The Qur’an declared of those acting the way of the Saudi regime, as well as most governments in the Muslim world and the scholars supporting such governments, that they belong to that alliance rather than to the community of Islam (Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:51). However, to the extent that Russia does not become a part of that Western Judeo-Christian alliance, there is no prohibition of Muslims entering into an alliance with Russia. This may yet take place since the blessed Prophet prophesied that “you will make an alliance with Rum”.


A large number of Signs of the Last Hour (i.e. Last Day) as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) connect to Western  civilization created by the Jewish-Christian alliance, for example: “women would dress like men” (hence a feminist revolution seducing women to assume the functional role of men in society), “women would be dressed and yet be naked” (and this will provoke a sexual revolution in which sex would eventually be as freely available to all and sundry as is sunshine), “people would have sexual intercourse in public like donkeys” (hence a strange preference for public rather than private sex), men would dress like women” (and this requires that beards be shaven), “Dajjal would ride on a donkey which would travel as fast as the clouds and would have its ears stretched out wide” (i.e. the modern aircraft);  etc. 


That Western civilization emerged in the historical process by divine decree with a mission of first seducing into its embrace, and then blending or merging all of mankind so seduced, into one global godless society. Nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every one thousand of mankind would eventually become members of that global society. The entire Gog and Magog tainted global society that was so embraced, and which copied an essentially godless and decadent way of life, would then be lead into the hellfire. 


Modern Western secular civilization would achieve that success in so seducing all of mankind (save the true Muslim) because it would deceive mankind with a dazzling claim to a new secular dawn in human history that appears from the West rather than the East. Religious ‘Truth’, which rose upon the world with Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them and upon all other Prophets of the One God), would become obsolete and moribund and would be consigned to the museums of history. However that “sun rising from the west” would be false sunrise that the true Muslim would recognize and reject.


The Judeo-Christian alliance also created a Gog and Magog world-order with a mysterious obsession for liberating the Holy Land – hence the European Crusades. That world-order eventually succeeded in bringing the Israelite Jews back to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own 2000 years after they were expelled by divine decree. It also succeeded in restoring an (imposter) Holy State of Israel in the Holy Land and is now poised to deliver to that imposter Israel the status of ruling state in the world. All of this was done in order that an evil being, created and programmed by Allah Most High, i.e. Dajjal the false Messiah, could rule the world from Jerusalem and then declare himself the true Messiah. 


However the Qur’an has informed us that Allah Most High would one day cause a momentous Gog and Magog clash to take place. As soon as we recognize Russia to be the Magog of the Qur’an, we can anticipate the coming world-shattering ‘star-wars’ clash in which Gog (i.e. the Anglo-American-Israeli ‘Western’ alliance) and Magog will “surge against each other” like waves (Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:99). In the process they would not only destroy themselves as well as, perhaps, most of North America and Europe, but also leave the arrogant oppressor Euro-Jewish State of Israel totally defenseless. That Armageddon is now so close that children now at school should live to see it.


We have in a previous chapter, examined the implications which emerge from release of Gog and Magog into the world. The most frightful of all was prophecy that 999 out of every 1000 of mankind would enter into the hellfire. That would naturally include a very large number of Muslims. In addition there was the frighful prophecy of “destruction of the Arabs” which would take place when Khabath (such as public nudity and public sex) prevails in the world. Nabi Muhammad made explicit reference to that Khabath when he prophesied that donkey-sex in public would one day take place. 


The warning for those (Muslims in particular) who read this book is that if they live in a society which has already descended into such Khabath (such as USA, Britain and many parts of Europe, etc), or is embracing Khabath, they must part from such people or they will be counted to be one of them and will share in the punishment that awaits such people. Since the Prophet prophecied that women would be the last people to follow Dajjal the implication is that women would lead the way to this Khabath. It is in this context that we have suggested the creation of Muslim Villages in the remote countryside.


This book was also written with the specific objective of inviting a response from those rivals of Islam in the modern age claiming to possess truth. The book also invites a response from the multiplicity of sects that now inhabit the house of Islam – sects that are obsessed with waging war on those who pursue the authentic Islamic spiritual quest (i.e. al-Ihsan or Tasawwuf). 


That spiritual quest is pursued in order to acquire Nur (i.e. light). It is only with Nur which comes from Allah Most High that one can see and understand the strange modern world (that otherwise cannot be seen or understood), and only those who can explain the reality of the world today can validate their claim to truth. This book, written from an Islamic perspective, lays claim to correctly explaining the reality of the strange world today, in which events are fast unfolding that are all linked to a grande finale in the Holy Land. In explaining those unfolding events in the way that it does, this book provides evidence that validates Islam’s claim to truth. 


This writer cherishes knowledge, and has the greatest respect for those servants of Allah Most High who are blessed with knowledge. He prays that this hunble book may be blessed to make a positive contribution to knowledge. Amin! 


Muslims who read this book and are convinced by the evidence presented and the interpretation of the blessed Qur’an and Ahadith, should now be firm in their resolve to follow Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) rather than the Gog and Magog global society.  That global society has already embraced most of mankind in its destructive embrace – destructive most of all of faith in Allah Most High and of righteous conduct.


Secondly, members of such sectarian groups and movements as Shiasm, Ahmadiyyah, Wahhabism, Tableegh Jama’at, Islamic modernist movements and Elitist Sufi sectarianism who are conviced by the argumants raised in this book, should now critically examine the validity of their sectarian Islamic affiliations.  


Finally, while the views expressed in Dr Tamman Adi’s brilliantly written Introduction to this book have largely coincided with this writer’s views expressed in the book, there were some differences between the two, and it is our hope that these differences, as well as the book as a whole, would provoke such further research in the subject as would extend the frontiers of knowledge Insha’ Allah.  



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wife (10) Will (10) William Draper (1) Wind (4) Wisdom (21) Wise Man (3) Witness (17) Wives (5) Women (51) words (14) workers (2) World (36) worries (1) worship (34) Wrapped (2) Wrath (4) wrong (9) Wudhu (6) Xian (1) Yaqoob (2) Yasin (1) Yassir (2) Yathrib (1) Yaum (1) year (3) Yemen (5) young (2) Yusuf (4) zakat (15) Zambia (1) Zilzal (1)