Divine Methodology for Monthly Recitation of the Qur'an
System of Time in Islam
Absolute time - —I am Time!
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,”Allah Almighty said: The son of Adam abuses me. He curses time and I am time, for in my hand are the night and day”. [Bukhari, Muslim]
When Allah Most High declared: I am time! The implication is that Absolute time is with Him.
When He further declared that He created creation in 6 days and then He established Himself on His ‘Arsh, i.e., the Throne or command center from which He rules and controls all creation, the implication is that Absolute time is located at the ‘Arsh, and hence that all parts of the system of time are ultimately connected to Absolute time at the ‘Arsh. Here is one of several verses of the Qur’an which takes us to the ‘Arsh.
Qur'an, al-Furqan, 25:59
He who has created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, and is established on the throne of His almightiness: the Most Gracious! Ask, then, about Him, [the] One who is [truly] aware.
In addition to Absolute time, the Qur’an has also revealed the existence of cosmic time as that dimension of time which connects with Absolute time.
Cosmic time:
Qur’an, al-Sajdah, 32:5
He governs all that exists, from the celestial space to the earth; and in the end all shall ascend unto Him [for judgment] on a Day the length whereof will be [like] a thousand years of your reckoning.
Qur’an, al-Maarij, 70:4
The angels and the Spirit, i.e., the Holy Spirit, ascend unto Him daily, in a day the length which is like fifty thousand years.
It is certain that a system of multi-dimensional time must have a Mizan which connects Absolute time with cosmic time, and with lunar time; and it is also certain that the Mizan must connect them harmoniously with each other. If we lose, or become disconnected with lunar time, or the world of time in which we live, then the world of cosmic time which is the medium through which Absolute time can be approached, would remain inaccessible. The price we would then pay is that Nur, or sacred light from Allah Most High, can no longer come down on us from the world of cosmic time in order to enter our hearts.
When we have no Nur, or light, in our hearts we will remain a people who are internally blind; the dreadful implication of such blindness is that we would be raised blind in the next world as well:
Qur’an, al-Isra’, 17:72
Whoever is blind in this world, i.e., internally blind, will be blind in the life to come as well, and still farther astray from the path of truth.
One of the consequences of blindness in this world is that people would not ‘think’; they would not use their rational faculty to recognize ‘Truth’. They would not see with the Nur or light, of Allah. This is precisely the kind of world that Dajjal seeks to achieve. Allah Most High has such a low opinion of such people that He likens them to cattle:
Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:171
The parable of those who are bent on denying the truth is that of the beast which hears the shepherd's cry, and hears in it nothing but the sound of a voice and a call. Deaf are they, and dumb, and blind: for they do not use their reason.
Qur’an, Ta Ha, 20:124
But as for him who shall turn away from remembering Me —he will be confined to a narrow and meaningless life, and on the Day of Resurrection We shall raise him up blind.
When Allah Most High created the Sama al-Dunyah (i.e., the material universe in which we live) He also created doors or gates through which we can pass from this world of space and time to other worlds of space and time:
Qur’an, al-‘Araf, 7:40
The doors (or gates) of the universe (through which the Angels descend into this world of space and time and which servants of Allah can traverse with Basar, i.e., internal sight, beyond this world of space and time to other worlds) would not be opened to those who scornfully reject our Ayat; and they cannot enter Jannah until a camel can pass through the eye of a needle (hence never), and thus do We punish such as are lost in sin.
Qur’an, al-Hijr, 15:14-15
Yet even had We opened to them a gateway to heaven and they had ascended, on and on, up to it, (in order to travel through time), they would surely have said, "It is only our eyes that are spellbound! Nay, we have been bewitched!”
Allah Most High created a system of time with which we were supposed to live, and through which we were supposed to measure time and, more importantly, traverse through different worlds of space and time. That system of time was created and designed by Allah Most High to play a critically important role in our spiritual life. We must see with it, hear with it, think with it, and live with it. We must sleep with it and wake from sleep with it. Most importantly of all, our hearts must beat in synchrony with it. When a people stop thinking, Dajjal seduces them to disturb and transgress that balance as it applies to the system of time; the consequence is that they lose meaningful contact with that system of time, and pay a dreadful price for it.
This book is written to remind our readers who still ‘think’, that the Hilal, or crescent moon, and the different phases of the moon (all of which we see with our naked eyes), are located at the very heart of that Divinely-ordained system of time:
Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:189
And they question you about the crescent moons; Say to them that the crescent moon delivers a system of time through which time can be measured. The crescent moon must therefore be used to determine the time of the Hajj or pilgrimage to the Ka’aba in Makkah …
The Qur’an has further explained that the function of the sun, in that system of time, is to illumine the moon, and that the constant movement of the moon around the earth is designed to allow the moon to be progressively illumined in such a way as would deliver a system of time with which mankind can compute time:
Qur’an, Yunus, 10:5
He it is who has made the sun a source of radiant light, and with that light the moon is illumined, and He has ordained phases of growth and of decline for the moon so that you might have a system of time with which to compute the years and to also measure time. None of this has Allah created without an inner truth. Clearly does He spell out these messages unto people of insight.
Allah Most High has reminded us, lest we forget, that the night, day, sun, moon and stars have all been created in order to function for the sake of mankind, and all function in ways which provide benefit for mankind:
Qur’an, al-Nahl, 16:12
And He has made the night and the day and the sun and the moon subservient to His laws, so that they be of use to you; and all the stars are subservient to His command: in this, behold, there are messages indeed for people who use their rational faculty!
The Qur’an explains that the stages of growth and of decline of the moon are meant to provide a compass with which mankind should navigate time during the period of a lunar month:
Qur’an, Ya Sin, 36:39
And We have ordained for the moon that it would traverse stages of growth and of decline until it returns like an old, dried-up and curved branch of a date-palm.
For the Servants of Allah Most High, there is no month other than a lunar month. So long as mankind lived with the moon — from the time of its birth as a crescent moon, and through its stages of growth and of decline until it returned as an “old dry withered branch of date-palm” — mankind lived in a normal world of time in which a year used to pass like a year, a month like a month, a week like a week, a day like a day, etc. The normal world of time was also a sacred world of time; hence time could function as a vehicle for the heart to travel to worlds beyond this world.
The famous poet, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, once wrote that “there are worlds beyond the stars”:
But the pagan Arabs changed that system of time and, as a consequence, many of them remained deaf, dumb, and blind when Allah Most High raised the last of the Prophets from within their own people. The Qur’an took note of this Kufr, or disbelief, of the pagan Arabs who used to periodically add an additional month to the year of twelve lunar months so that the lunar year could be synchronized with the solar year. Allah Most High condemned this tampering with the system of time as Kufr or disbelief:
Qur’an, al-Taubah, 9:37
This is yet another instance of their rejection of Truth that they interfered with, and changed, the system of time ordained by Allah Most High in which a year is comprised of twelve lunar months. Rather, they made it permissible to add another month on some occasions, while on others they did not allow the additional month; thus, were they led astray. In keeping to twelve months in a year at some times, while changing it at other times, they pretended that they were in conformity with Allah’s system of time. Their evil conduct might have appeared to them to be good, but they must know that Allah does not provide guidance to people who reject truth in such a way.
Then came another pagan civilization which appeared on the stage of the world as modern Western civilization. It emerged in Akhir al-Zaman, or the End-time, and, like the pagan Arabs, maintained the year with twelve months, but arbitrarily decided that some months would be 30 days long, and others would be 31, while only one month, i.e., February, would sometimes have 28 days and sometimes 29. It thus gave to mankind a new system of time which deliberately departed from the lunar month while synchronizing a lunar year of twelve months with a solar year.
We remind our gentle readers that the calendar of Pope Gregory xiii which is now almost universally used (as well as the previous Julien calendar) represent a destructive attack on the sacred system of time which functions everywhere in Allah’s creation, and in which the lunar month is located at the very heart. They both abandoned that sacred system of time and substituted in its place a bogus system of time in which they chose, like the pagan Arabs before them, to keep twelve months to constitute one year, but arbitrarily decided to dispense with the lunar month and replace it with months some of which were now 31, 30, 29 and 28 days long.
Modern Western civilization then went on to impose this Satanic Gregorian system of civil time on all of mankind and in the process the pagan West has succeeded in getting 999 out of every 1000 of mankind to abandon the sacred system of time given by the One Supreme God of all of mankind.
Our gentle readers do not need PhDs to recognize that the Pope in Rome acted in this way on behalf of Dajjal the false Messiah.
As a consequence of the universal acceptance of this change from the lunar system of time, in which most people entered into Kufr or disbelief, mankind no longer lives with the system of time ordained by Allah Most High. Most Muslims now turn to the moon only for the purpose of determining when to observe such religious events as the fast of the month of Ramadan and the celebration of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
Here is compelling evidence which confirms the dire warning in the Qur’an in Surah al-‘Asr, that when the late afternoon of history arrives, mankind would live in a state of loss, save those who have faith and whose conduct is righteous, and who exhort each other to hold on to Truth, and to be patient in adversity!
Qur’an, al-Asr, 103:1-3
Allah Most High takes an oath by that moment in time when the late afternoon of history arrives, that all of mankind would, at that time, be living in a state of loss, save those who have faith and are righteous in conduct, and who exhort each other to hold fast to Truth, and to be patient in the adversities of that time.
The Qur’an prophesied that mankind would abandon the moon, and in the process would abandon the system of time ordained for them by Allah Most. It did so when it declared (in an Ayah Mutashabihah), that when the Last Hour approaches close, the moon would be broken asunder, in the sense that its Divinely-ordained function as a means of counting the years, and measuring time, would be universally abandoned:
Qur’an, al-Qamar, 54:1
When the last hour draws near, the moon would be broken asunder (and hence destroyed)!
That is precisely what has now occurred – as explained in this book. Just ask anyone what is his age? – and readers would get compelling evidence of the universal abandonment of the moon for the measurement of the time.
The result of this abandonment of the system of time ordained by Allah is that the ominous prophecy of Prophet Muhammad pbuh has now been fulfilled for most of mankind, and a strange and ominous world has emerged in which time now moves faster and yet faster. The blessed Prophet prophesied that a whole year would pass like a month, and a whole month would pass like a week, and a whole week like a day, etc.:
Anas bin Malik narrated that the Allah's Messenger said:
"The Last Hour shall not be established until time is
constricted, and a year would pass like a month, a month like the week, and a week
like the day, and a day is like an hour, and an hour like the time it takes to
kindle a fire." Sahih Bukhari
This writer argues that when mankind abandoned the system of time ordained by Allah Most High, and was seduced into embracing a rival system of ever-advancing technological time, the predictable result was that the Mizan or, balance ordained by Allah Most High in His creation, was disturbed, and the hearts of most of mankind no longer beat in harmony with time as ordained by Allah. This is the explanation for the perception that time is now moving faster and yet faster.
Islamic eschatology allows us to identify that rival system of technological time, in which time moves faster and yet faster, with Dajjal the false Messiah. We do so, of course, within the context of an Islamic eschatological explanation of a modern western civilization which, like Dajjal, has the word Kufr written on its forehead.
Dajjal’s master-plan of delivering both a bogus system of time, as well as faster-moving technological time is unfolding before our bewildered eyes, and the first two casualties are as follows:
Firstly, those who are trapped in faster-moving technological time no longer have enough time to recite the Qur’an as it ought to be recited, i.e., cover-to-cover once a month. The Qur’an has recorded a complaint of Prophet Muhammad pbuh who complained to Allah Most High that his people have forsaken the Qur’an:
Qur’an, al-Furqan, 25:30
And on that Day the Messenger of Allah will say: “O my Lord God. Behold, my people have forsaken this Qur’an!”
The very first evidence of such a betrayal of the Qur’an is when Muslims no longer recite the Qur’an in accordance with the Divinely-ordained way that it must be recited.
As a consequence of this betrayal of the Book of Allah, they can neither study the Qur’an, nor can the Qur’an deliver for them a Hijab which would separate them from the godless world, and also cover and protect them from so many dangers which keep on unfolding in the end-time.
Secondly, as they abandon the system of time ordained by Allah Most High, they are eventually condemned to live in a spiritual vacuum; and as they are embraced by faster moving technological time, they become imprisoned in Dajjal’s system of time. Such people become shallow thinkers who live moment-to-moment in small capsules of time. They cannot connect the dots of history to read, and understand the past correctly; they cannot penetrate the world today in order to understand the reality which now confronts them; and they lack the insight with which to anticipate the even more dangerous world which lies ahead.
The main purpose of this book is to direct the attention of readers to the role of the continuous recitation of the Qur’an, cover-to-cover every lunar month, and in the way that Allah Most High ordained that the Qur’an be recited, as the means through which Muslims might recover the lost Mizan, and to also return to the system of time ordained by Allah Most High. They can thus escape from the embrace of Dajjal’s rival system of time.
This will be possible because Allah Most High has delivered a Mizan in the Qur’an, and as they recite the Qur’an as it ought to be recited, the Qur’an restores Mizan to their hearts:
Qur'an, al-Shura, 42:17
Allah Most High has sent down the Book with Truth and with a balance within it; when will you realize that the Last Hour is close, and that you will need that book and that balance more than ever before?
As the reader follows the method of recitation of the Qur’an explained in this book, he or she will recover the Mizan of time and consequently experience a return to a perception of time passing normally; hence a year would once more pass like a year, a month like a month, a week like a week, a day like a day, etc.
This book thus presents compelling evidence of the strategic importance of Islamic eschatology as it recognizes this extraordinary role of the continuous genuine recitation of the Qur’an (as distinct from other ways of reciting the Qur’an) for delivering safety in the end-time.
The Hindu, Buddhist, Jew and Christian would have to find an alternative means through which to restore normal time to his life, if he chooses not to turn to this Qur’an. The Muslim is fortunate that he has the Divinely-protected Qur’an.
to be continued . . . .
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