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Friday, August 26, 2022

Key Aspects in Qur'an 1st Edition

Key Aspects in the Qur’an


In the Name of Allah,

Most Gracious, Most Merciful


All Praise is due to Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) and may Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) exalt the mention of His Prophet and render him and his household, his Companions, and those who follow their way, safe from every evil, and grant them security on the Day of Resurrection.


In the name of Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala), We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, Qur’an.




Read Translation of Quran in Language Best Understood - Dr Zakir Naik

If you read the Qur’an it will surely benefit you in this world as well as in the hereafter. Read the Qur’an, if you don't know Arabic read the Qur’an in the language you understand. If you understand English read it in English, the language you understand the best, if you understand Urdu read it in Urdu, if you understand French read it in French if you understand German read it in German you read it in the language you understand. Irrespective of language, at least read the translation of the Glorious Qur’an, so that you can understand the message of your Creator. I'd like to give an example suppose a very close friend of yours who's a German he comes from Germany and he spends a couple of weeks with you, he being a German he can't speak English fluently, but he can converse with you, he spends a couple of weeks and even he goes back to Germany, he writes to you a letter in German because he cannot speak English fluently he cannot write English fluently, so he writes to you a letter in German. Now when you get that letter in German, you don't understand German, what will you do? But naturally because he's a close friend you will have that letter translated, you will want to know what your good friend told you from Germany. Don't you want to know what is the message the last and final message given by a creator Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) you don't have to go in translate the Qur’an, the Qur’an al hamdulillah has already been translated in the major languages of the world.


Fi Zilal al-Qur'an: 'In the Shade of the Qur'an' is a highly influential commentary of the Qur'an, written during 1951-1965 by the Egyptian Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966). The book outlines Qutb's vision of a Muslim state and society. It is considered by some to be a comprehensive & far-reaching commentary, that takes a clear and lucid interpretation of the Qur'an. It has much influence throughout the Muslim world, especially amongst the ordinary lay practitioners of Islam. The work extends to 30 volumes that correspond to the 30 juz' parts of the Qur'an. It has been translated into several languages. The full set of 30 volumes covers the entire Qur'an. The aspects taken are from the titles in the contents given during the translation.


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is by self only. Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


I pray to the Almighty that this humble effort may serve the purpose of bringing entire humanity in the fold of genuine religious fellowship.




Makki Surah 1 (7 Ayah)

Al-Fātiĥah (The Opening)



Madani Surah 2 (286 Ayah)

Al-Baqarah (The Cow)

Seeking a Secure Base

A Major Breakthrough

The Making of a Unique Community

The Sūrah’s Central Theme

1-29 The Message Spelt Out

The Qualities of True Believers

Believing in the Imperceptible

A Contrasting Picture

The Mark of Hypocrisy

The Enemy Within

A Divine Challenge

The Use of Parables in the Qur’ān

Allah’s Covenant with Man

Giving Life after Death

30-39 Man in Charge of the Earth

Establishing Man’s Authority

Man’s First Test

Points to Consider

Man, the Master on Earth

The Concept of Sin

40-74 Glimpses of Israelite History

Allah’s Covenant with the Israelites

Matching Words with Deeds

Two Sources of Strength

When Every Soul Stands Alone

A Long List of Favours

Ingratitude at Its Worst

Inviting Allah’s Punishment

Unhappy with Allah’s Bounty

Boastful Claims by the Jews

Where Mockery Is Inadmissible

The Episode of the Cow

A Murdered Man Brought Back to Life

75-103 Covenants Breached All the Time

Falsification of Scriptures

Reply to False Arguments

Going Back on Firm Pledges

A Long List of Contradictions

Claims Falsified by Actions

A Strange Enmity to an Angel

Casting Allah’s Revelations Away

Magic and Psychic Phenomena

The Nature of Magic

104-123 Jewish Efforts to Undermine Islam

Efforts to Undermine the New Religion

Begrudging Allah’s Grace

Claims without Basis

Unbelief Is All One

Jewish and Christian Arguments

124-141 Universal Faith

Abraham’s Covenant

Building the Ka`bah

A Faith to Pass to Your Children

The Argument Is Finally Settled

142-152 Change of Direction

A Middle Community and a Pure Faith

Clarification of Issues

The Final Say on the Direction of Prayer

Abraham’s Prayers Are Answered

When Allah Remembers His Servants

153-157 Acquiring Real Strength

The Power of Patience

Sacrificing One’s Life

158-177 Setting the Record Straight

A Very Significant Ritual

Suppressing the Truth

Those Using Their Reason

Alliances Fall Apart

Which Path to Follow

Things Forbidden to Eat

Suppression of Allah’s Revelations

What Constitutes Righteousness

178-188 Social Justice and Fasting

The Law of Just Retribution

Life Preservation through Retribution

Fasting: Its Nature and Purpose

Exemption from Fasting when Travelling

Obligatory Fasting

A Close Relationship with Allah

Further Rules on Fasting

Honesty at All Times

189-203 The Sacred Months, Fighting and Pilgrimage

The Islamic Transformation

The New Moon and its Significance

The Qur’ān and Scientific Truth

The First Order to Fight

Jihād: When and Against Whom?

The Ethics of War

Violation of Sanctities

A Symbol of Islamic Unity

Perfect Devotion at Every Move

The Journey Approaches Its End

204-214 The Nature of Islamic Society

Two Different Types of People

The True Meaning of Islam

A Caring and Peaceful Society

A Question Put to the Israelites

A Single Community and Divergent Views

When Will Allah’s Help Arrive?

215-220 Worse Than Murder

Balancing Kindness and Personal Preferences

What Things We May Love

Fighting in the Sacred Months

The Ultimate Aim of Islam’s Enemies

The Qur’ānic Method of Education

Dealing with Slavery

More Questions by Believers

Treatment of Orphans

221-242 The Family: The Foundation of Human Society

Marriage to Unbelievers

Purity in Sexual Relations

Oaths and Atonements

Rules of Divorce

Fair and Balanced Divorce Systems

Kindly Retention or Amicable Separation

Child Care in Broken Homes

The Case of Widows

Kindness after Divorce

A Question of Worship

More Rights for Widows and Divorcees

243-252 A Timeless Message

Fleeing from Death

Multiplied Loan Repayment

A Test of Genuine Faith

Keeping Faith with Allah

Different Manifestations of Allah’s Favours

253-257 The Nature of Allah and Faith

The Unity of the Divine Message

The Ranks of Allah’s Messengers

Endless Disputes over a Single Truth

Allah’s Unique Attributes

Freedom of Belief Guaranteed

258-260 Causing Life and Death

An Easily Settled Argument

Where Life Originates

How Allah Raises the Dead

261-274 An Islamic Model of Social Security

Ethics of Islamic Charity

Charity Coupled with Good Manners

Giving Away the Best

Charity Benefits the Charitable

A Perfectly Integrated System

275-281 The Evil of Usury

The Horrific Image of Usury

Divine Admonition Remains Unheeded

In Perfect Contrast with Usurers

Total War against the Usurers

Kind Treatment of Insolvent Debtors

282-284 Safeguards for Financial Transactions

Loan Arrangement and Documentation

Where Ultimate Authority Lies

285-286 One Divine Message

One True Faith

The Ultimate End

Individual Responsibility

A Final Prayer


Madani Surah 3 (200 Ayah)

Āl `Imrān (The House of `Imrān)

The Early Years in Madinah

The Battle of Uĥud

1-17 Concepts Outlined

The Cornerstone of the Islamic Faith

The Qur’ān and Earlier Revelations

Two Types of Revelation

A Lesson for the Discerning

False and True Comforts

Better Than All Comforts

18-32 Concepts Clarified

The Ultimate Witness

When Prophets Are Killed

What Allah’s Sovereignty Entails

An Unwelcome Confrontation

33-64 The Birth and Prophethood of Jesus (pbuh)

Allah’s Chosen Servants

A Child Dedicated to Divine Service

A Very Strange Birth

Preparation for a Special Event

A Miraculous Birth

Jesus: A Testimony to Allah’s Free Will

Jesus Endorsing a Message

An Appeal for Help

Full Heavenly Reward

A Challenge to Stop All Argument

When There Is Nothing More to Say

65-92 The Heirs of Abraham’s Faith

A Dispute Over Abraham’s Faith

A Deliberate Attempt to Conceal the Truth

A Dirty Tricks Campaign to Confuse Believers 

A Transaction Ending in Ruin 

When Men of Religion Become Corrupt 

A Pledge Binding on All Prophets

Deliberate Rejection of the Truth 

93-120 One Allah, One Faith

The Beginning of a Long Debate

The First House for Human Worship 

An Appeal in the Interest of Truth

A Warning Against Obeying Non-Muslims 

Making Sure One’s Way Is Right

Brotherhood After Hostility

The Role of the Muslim Community 

Faces Shining with Happiness 

A Quality Essential to the Muslim Community

The Fate of Deserters

Different Ways, Different Ends 

The Sort of Friends Unbelievers Make

121-136 Lessons for All Muslim Generations

A Brief Account of the Battle of Uĥud

Old Loyalties Totally Disregarded 

Glimpses of Muslim Dedication 

Treatment of the Battle Events in the Qur’ān 

Preparation for Battle 

A Reminder of Past Victory 

A Comprehensive Outlook 

Usury: The Way to Inevitable Ruin

A Reward Worth Competing For 

Man: Saint or Sinner

137-148 A High Price for Heaven

Unfailing Life Patterns 

A Cycle of Fortune and Misfortune

A Careful Selection of Martyrs 

Wishful Thinking in Contrast with Reality

Muĥammad: Man, Prophet and Messenger 

Death and Reward 

Lessons from the History of the Prophets

149-158 Forgiveness of a Disastrous Error

Obedience Bringing Utter Loss 

Striking Fear in Enemies’ Hearts

Victory So Near, Yet So Far

A Trial for the Faithful 

Diverging Views of Life and Death

159-164 The Prophet’s Message of Compassion

Distinctive Marks of the Prophet’s Personality 

Consultation: The Essence of Islamic Government

When Allah’s Help Is Withdrawn 

A Great Favour Done to Believers 

The Purification of a Model Community

Idolatry and Human Dignity 

Nationalism and Islamic Identity

165-179 Priorities Defined

Allah’s Will and Man’s Doing 

The Fruits of Total Dedication to Islam 

Nothing to Fear from Satan’s Allies 

How People’s Actions Affect Allah 

Why Disbelievers May Wield Power 

The Lesson in a Nutshell 

180-188 Main Issues Re-emphasised

Impudence That Cannot Be Equalled 

A Drink to Be Tasted by All

In the Face of abuse and Hardship

Seeking Praise for Nothing

189-200 Issues Resolved

Universal Evidence of Creation

A Passionate Prayer by True Believers 

Prayers Answered and Obligation Defined 

What Reward for a Long, Hard Struggle 

Summing Up All Obligations 


Madani Surah 4 (176 Ayah)

Al-Nisa (Women)

1-14 Fair Inheritance for All

Mankind Begins with a Single Person

When Orphans Come of Age

Conditions for Marrying an Orphan Girl

Reasons for Permitting Polygamy

Relationships with Slave Women

Handing Property Over to Orphans

Inheritance: A Fair System of Social Security

Protecting the Weak and Vulnerable

Islamic Inheritance Ensures Justice for All

Inheritance of Parents and Children

Inheritance of Husbands, Wives, Brothers and Sisters

When Allah’s Laws Are Obeyed

15-28 Perfect Social Morality

First Step Towards Eradicating Immorality

A Perfectly Moral Society

The Surest Way to Human Destruction

Essence of True Repentance

A New Way to Treat Women

Marriage Conditions to Be Always Respected

Women Whom We Are Forbidden to Marry

The Crime of Advocating Free Sex

Legitimate Relationships

Dowry as a Condition of Marriage

Marriage with a Slave Woman

When Temptation is Hard to Resist

What Allah Desires for Human Beings

Man’s Burden Made Light

29-35 Fairness in All Deals

Which Transactions Are Lawful

Conditions for Forgiveness

Honour for Both Men and Women 

Differences between the Sexes 

Inheritance for Relatives Only

Regulation of Family Affairs

The Partner in Charge

In Recognition of Women’s Virtues

When Family Life Is Endangered

Last Resort to Save Troubled Marriages 

36-43 Unfailing Kindness

Kindness All Around 

Unfavourable Contrast

An Unhappy Final Wish 

One Step Towards Forbidding Drinking 

Gradual Eradication of Evil Social Habits

Islamic Worship Made Easy

Purpose of Islamic Legislation 

44-57 Battle Resumed

Error Multiplied

Distortion of Allah’s Words 

A Warning Not to Be Ignored 

Fabricating Lies against Allah 

Taking Pride in False Beliefs

The Nature of Envy 

Two Contrasting Destinies 

58-70 Sincerity and True Faith

Trust and Justice 

An Accurate Standard for the Human Mind 

Claims Belied by Action 

Prophets Must Be Obeyed

A Law Made Easy 

The Reward of Obedience 

71-86 Fighting for a Noble Purpose

Taking Proper Precautions

An Eye for Gain

A Good Price for Life 

Taking up the Cause of the Oppressed 

Satan’s Feeble Cunning 

Wrong Feeling, Wrong Timing 

A Very Strange Question

Possible Reasons for Restraint 

What Does Death Signify? 

A Highly Prejudiced Attitude 

The Limits of the Prophet’s Role 

Contemplating the Qur’ān 

A Pointer to the Author of the Qur’ān 

The Role of Human Understanding 

Proper Method of Deduction 

The Limits of Responsibility 

Different Deeds with Different Results 

87-94 Organising External Relations

Guiding Principles 

Dealing with Hypocrites 

Qualifications for Alliance with Believers 

Peace with Power 

Indemnity for Accidental Killing 

Punishment for Deliberate Killing

95-104 Fighting for the Oppressed

What Elevates People in Rank

The Philosophy of Jihād 

Misguided or Oppressed? 

What Value for Leaving Home 

Prayer Even on the Battlefield 

Prayer in War and Peace

105-113 Justice for All

A Firm Stand in Support of Justice

Responsibility for Action Taken by Individuals 

Special Grace for the Prophet 

114-126 Beliefs That Degrade Mankind

Useless Secret Talking 

A Sin That Cannot Be Forgiven 

Legends and Superstitions 

Action and Reward 

Requital of Believers’ Bad Deeds

Dominion of the Universe 

127-134 Watching Allah in All Dealings

The Rights of Orphan Girls 

Traditional Injustice Removed 

Equity That Cannot Be Maintained 

Family Rules Related to Universal Law 

135-147 The Reality of Hypocrisy

Justice in All Situations 

A Call to Believers to Believe 

Vacillation Between Belief and Disbelief 

True Submission, True Freedom 

Ridiculing Allah’s Words 

Characteristics of the Hypocrites

A Promise That Will Never Fail 

Whom Do They Deceive? 

Repentance Opens the Way 

What Need for Punishment

148-170 One Religion for All Mankind

No Foul Language 

Deny One Part, Deny All

The Hard-Hearted Nature of the Israelites

The Truth About the Crucifixion 

Actions Meriting Punishment 

The Purpose of Sending Messengers 

The Human Mind and Divine Messages 

Making Allah’s Argument

Grace of the Highest Type

The Supreme Witness 

170-176 The Truth About Jesus

Truth and Falsehood in People’s Beliefs 

The Breathing of Allah’s Spirit 

Was Jesus Too Proud? 

The Ultimate Truth About Jesus

A Glorious Light to Remove All Doubt 

Final Words on Inheritance 


Madani Surah 5 (108 Ayah)

Al-Māidah (The Repast)

1-11 Contracts and Their Fulfilment

Implementing Divine Decrees

Other Restrictions

Justice for Friend and Foe

Prohibited Meat

Perfection at its Best

Grace Abounding

Blessings in Full Measure

The Choice Religion

Nothing Wholesome is Forbidden

Good Relations with Other Religions

Getting Ready for Prayer

Too Valuable an Obligation

Justice Even When Dealing with Enemies

A Gulf Too Wide

A Promise That Never Fails

12-26 Broken Pledges

The Terms of Covenants Made with Allah

Hardened Hearts

The Origins of Enmity Among the Christians

A Messenger with an Unlikely Background

The Nature of Allah’s Final Message

False Claims Leading to Disbelief

The True Verdict

Wishful Thinking That Comes to Nothing

An Appeal Mixed with Worry

A Typically Cowardly Attitude

27-40 The First Murder

A Murder is Committed

A Lesson Provided by a Raven

The Killing of All Humanity

The Just Punishment for Rebellion

Differing Views on Implementation

Man’s Actions Determine His Future

A Severe Punishment for Theft

A Punishment to Fit the Crime

41-50 The Right Basis for Judgement

The Superiority of Islamic Legislation

Playing Games with Divine Judgement

A Baffling Attitude Towards Allah’s Judgement

Light and Guidance Shine from the Torah

An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth

Guidance and Light Given in the Gospel

A Book to Supersede All Scriptures

The Temptation to Abandon Allah’s Law

51-66 Delineation of an Essential Relationship

Alliances That Cannot Survive

Distinctive Values of the Muslim Community

The Best Insurance for the Future

When Hypocrisy is Laid Bare

The Qualities of Allah’s Beloved People

To Love Allah and Be Loved by Him

The Party Assured of Triumph

When Faith and Prayers Are Mocked

Finding Fault with Dedicated Believers

Those in the Worst Position of All

The Exposure of a Horrid Nature

A Confirmed Attitude of Unbelief

Advance Results of Implementing Divine Law

Development and Faith Go Hand in Hand

Worship Gives a New Face to Human Life

67-81 Who Follows Divine Faith?

A Vital Proclamation to Deliver Allah’s Message

When the Truth is Advocated by the Few

The Truth Versus People’s Fancies

Misconceptions Leading to Disbelief

Mary, the Saintly Woman and Her Son

When Wrongdoing is Condoned

A Change That Must Be Total

An Essential Requirement of Faith

82-86 Relations with Other Faiths

Who Hates the Believers Most?

An Attitude Bringing Rich Rewards

On Recognising the Truth of Islam

A Positive Response to Allah’s Revelations

87-108 Detailed Legislation for Believers

Prohibiting What is Lawful

Atonement for Breaking an Oath

A Categorical Prohibition of Intoxicants

Obedience: A Main Characteristic of Muslim Society

Why Intoxicants Are So Repugnant

Self-Surrender and Obedience

Consecration and Game Killing

The Purpose of the Trial

The Reason for Prohibition

Foul and Wholesome

Politeness in Dealing with the Prophet

Choosing the Hard Way

A Practical Approach to Knowledge

Freedom for the Human Mind

Superstitious Practices

Contradiction in Terms

Individual Responsibility

Witnesses at the Time of Death

109-120 About Jesus and the Repast

When All Messengers Are Gathered Together

A Hard Confrontation

Favours Granted to Jesus’s Followers

The Miraculous Repast

Did Jesus Claim Divinity?

The Final Note


Makki Surah 6 (165 Ayah)

Al-An`ām (Cattle)

A Call for Freedom? 

A Call for Social Justice? 

Why Not Moral Reform?

Results in Abundance 

The Faith or Its Detailed Systems

A Practical System 

The Qur’ānic Treatment of the Faith Issue

An Error to Be Avoided

A Divine Method

A Sample of Makkan Revelations

To Truly Know Allah

Permissible or Forbidden

The Sūrahs Revelation

The Main Theme

Unique Subject Treatment

1-3 The Origin of Life

A Framework Is Set

When Evil Schemes Seem to Triumph 

4-11 Stubborn Rejection

Social Attitudes and the Decline of Nations

Stubborn Rejection of Evident Facts

A World of Creation Beyond Human Senses

Angels: Their Life and Role

When Allah’s Message is Met with Derision

12-19 A Commitment to Mercy

A Commitment Made by Allah

An Outline of Divine Mercy

When All Gather for Judgement

Allah’s Oneness: The Fundamental Question

A Testimony to Settle All Issues

A Perfectly Clear Attitude

20-32 Preference to Remain Blind

Wilful Denial of Known Facts

A Contention Contrary to Reality

Truth and Fables

A Wish Availing Nothing

Contrasting Concepts and Values

The Only Faith Worthy of Man

What the Unbelievers Actually Reject

33-39 The Dead Cannot Hear

Honest No Doubt

Knowing the Truth

Making False Accusations

Who Gives a Favourable Response? 

Who Needs Miraculous Evidence?

A System Bearing No Comparison

The Islamic Doctrine’s Starting Point 

40-49 To Avert Sudden Punishment

The Only Hope 

Trials Serve as Reminders 

Important Points for Reflection 

50-55 Accountability and Grace

A Call for Proper Reflection

Which Path the Prophet Follows 

A Warning Loud and Clear 

The Most Deserving of Allah’s Grace

To Bridge a Wide Gulf 

Tearing Off the Masks of Evildoing 

56-65 The Extent of Allah's Knowledge

A Law Not to Be Violated 

Knowledge Unlimited 

Beyond Our Perception 

Scientific and Imperceptible 

The Imperceptible and the Nature of Islamic Faith 

When All Efforts Are of No Avail 

The Only Saviour 

Diverse Ways to Expound Revelations 

66-70 Point of Separation

Consistent Attitude 

When Support is in Short Supply 

71-73 Sovereign of All the Worlds

Bewilderment After Guidance 

Guidance Followed by Complete Submission 

74-94 Guidance for All Nations

An Instinctive Rejection of Idolatry 

Nature’s Way to the Truth 

A Stronger Claim to Security 

The Bearers of Divine Guidance 

Acknowledgement of Allah’s Glory

Endorsement of Earlier Revelations 

95-111 The Miracle of Creation

The Early Signs of Life 

Perfectionism at Its Best 

The Ever-Renewable Miracle of Creation 

A Clear Concept of the Creator 

The Choice to Remain Blind 

Well-Defined Attitudes 

Basic Facts on Faith and Allah’s Power 

112-127 On Permissibility and Prohibition

Enemies of the Prophets 

The Limits of Evil Power 

A Revelation to Explain All Issues

All Erring Ways to be Abandoned

Eating Meat with Allah’s Permission 

Incomparable Situations 

Who May be Entrusted with a Divine Message?

Choosing Divine Guidance

128-135 Judgement According to Deeds

The Power of the Wicked 

Emphasis on Practical Details 

Why the Method of Slaughter is Important 

136-153 Intertwining Laws and Concepts

Temptation on the Way to Ruin 

False Absurdity or Absurd Falsehood?

The Absolute Losers 

The Originator of All Creation 

Prohibitions by the Most Gracious 

The Ultimate Argument in Defence of Falsehood 

A Very Clear Course to Follow 

Detailed Commandments for Human Life

Forbidden to People of Sound Mind

Maintaining the Path Leading to Allah

154-165 The Law of Divine Retribution

A Book to Bring Mercy to Mankind

Further Warnings

Only One of a Kind 

A Heart-Felt Appeal 

A Final Word 


Makki Surah 7 (165 Ayah)

Al-A‘rāf (The Heights)

Mankind’s Long Journey

Telling a Story to Face Reality 

On the Starting Line 

The Ultimate Finish 

One Message and Many Messengers

Between Moses and Pharaoh 

The Central Issue 

Sealed Hearts, Closed Minds

Drawing the Lines 

1-9 The Purpose of the Divine Message

Issues Spelt Out

A Revelation to Admonish Believers

A Sudden Inflection of Punishment

10-25 The Start of Human Life

The Start of Human Life on Earth

Three Different Natures

Temptation of the Forbidden Tree

The Fall from Heaven

Full Harmony in the System of Creation

Man’s Honour and Role

The Battle Rages On

26-34 Man’s Finest Garment

A Warning to Be Always Heeded

When the Enemy is the Protector

Forbidding What Is Lawful

Distortion of Concepts and Values

35-53 Much Pleading, Little Use

To Testify Against Oneself

A Scene in Contrast

Dialogue Across the Divide

The Heights

54-58 To Whom All Authority Belongs

A Clear Concept of Allah

Calling on Allah with Fear and Hope

Bringing the Dead Back to Life

59-93 The Qur’ānic Approach to Faith

Fallacy in the Study of Comparative Religion

Putting Human Life Back on the Right Course 

Noah Rejected by Blind People 

When All Argument Is Futile 

Most Flagrant Defiance 

Taking the Lead in Perversion 

Maintaining Justice in All Transactions 

No Retreat Contemplated 

The Meaning of True Submission 

No Sorrow for Unbelievers’ Fate 

94-102 Lessons to Learn

Trials of Adversity

A Sure Way to Receive Allah’s Blessings 

A False Sense of Security 

A History Recorded by Allah 

103-137 A Confrontation with Pharaoh

As the Story Begins 

The Truth, the Whole Truth

Confrontation and Mobilization 

Squaring Up to Sorcery and Falsehood 

No Permission to Believe in Allah 

A Decisive Victory 

What Constitutes Corruption 

How the Truth Unnerves Tyrants 

To Whom the Future Belongs 

Who Brings Bad Omen 

The Promises of Unbelievers

Wreaking Vengeance on Hardened Unbelievers 

138-171 Relapse into a State of Ignorance

Trampling Over Allah’s Favours

An Appointment with the Supreme Lord 

A Request to See the Lord 

A Serious Approach to Divine Law

A Deliberately Wrong Choice 

Miserable Return to Old Ways 

A Sad Return for Moses 

A Fitting Judgement 

The Seventy Chosen Israelites

The Recipients of Allah’s Mercy

Allah’s Messenger to All Mankind

Straying Away from Allah’s Commandments

Response to Allah’s Care 

Temptation Overcomes Willpower

Abundant Grace, Swift Punishment 

A Strong Motivation for Believers 

Unfailing Reward 

172-198 Bearing Witness

A Scene to Defy All Imagination 

A Pledge Given by Human Nature 

An Analogy to Leave Everyone Speechless 

The Example and Its Application 

Losers by Choice 

Sealing All Means of Perception 

A Community with a Well Defined Purpose 

Points for Reflection 

Reflect and Consider 

A Question That Needs No Answer 

The Hour That Will Come to Pass

All Created From One Soul 

Sophisticated Paganism 

A Call Foolishly Turned Down 

Patronage That Never Fails 

199-206 The Road to Mercy

When and Where to Seek Refuge 

The Means for Clear Insight 

The Undeniable Appeal of the Qur’ān

Mercy Through Listening to the Qur’ān

Staying Permanently Close to Allah


Madani Surah 8 (75 Ayah)

Anfāl (The Spoils of War)

Characteristics of the Islamic Approach 

The Liberation of Mankind

How Defensive Is Jihād?

A Stage of No Fighting

What Justification for Jihād?

A Gulf Too Wide!

A Further Point of View

The Battle of Badr

Rejecting Wise Counsel

Qur’ānic Comments

Why Believers Fight

To Sum up

1-29 Different Types of Victory

Dispute Over the Spoils of War

Essential Qualities of Believers

Practising What We Preach

Better than the Believer’s Desire

An Aim Superior to All Human Hopes

An Appeal and a Response

Allah’s Support in All Forms

Except for Tactical Reasons

Allah’s Planning and Human Implementation

Much Power, Little Avail

Response to a Call to Life

Victory Coming on the Heels of Hardship

A Reassuring Criterion

30-40 In Defiance of the Truth

A Scheme to Put an End to Islam 

Feeble Manoeuvres

A Sophisticated Version of an Old Ploy 

No Limit to Human Folly 

Separating the Good from the Bad 

A Positive Approach to Reality 

41-54 Allah’s Will at Work

When the Fighting is Over

If You Truly Believe 

A Criterion of Distinction

In Clear Evidence of the Truth 

A Purpose to Be Accomplished 

Eliminating Causes of Failure 

False Pretences, False Promises 

Deception Compounded by Short-Sightedness 

Divine Justice for All

What Changes Allah’s Blessings? 

55-75 Delineation of Loyalties

When Treaties Are Breached

The Worst of All Creatures 

Striking Terror into the Enemy

Getting All Forces Ready 

When Peace is a Real Prospect 

Where to Place All Trust 

Uniting Believers’ Hearts 

Matching Superior Forces 

Rulings on Captives of War

Allah’s Preferred Option 

Seeking to Deceive Allah 

Definition of Relations 

Loyalty in a Muslim Community 

The Practical Manifestation of Islamic Theory 

Demarcation of Loyalties in Islamic Society

True Believers 

The Nature of Islamic Society 

A Community of Mankind 


Madani Surah 9 (129 Ayah)

Tawbah (Repentance)

A Historical View

Early Indications of Weakness 

The Process of Integration

Advances and Weaknesses

Jihād and its Final Rulings

The Final and Provisional Rulings

Special to This Sūrah

1-28 The Basis of Inter-Communal Relations

Peace or No Peace

Under Strong Pressure

The Nature of Islamic International Relations

Crystallizing Attitudes

An Announcement is Made

The Principles of International Relations

Honouring Commitments

When the Period of Grace is Over

Asylum for the Enemy

No Peace Possible

No Obligation Honoured

An Attitude Confirmed by History

Hostility Unabated

Doubts Dispelled

An Order to Fight

Who May Tend Allah’s Houses

Attitudes Shaped by Feelings

Reminder of a Great Event

Large Forces Avail Nothing

29-35 Relations with Other Religions

The Truth of People of Earlier Revelations

Denying a Known Truth

Clarity of Attitudes

Jewish Attitudes towards Islam

History Tells its Tale

A Fight Until Submission

When Scriptures are Ignored

A Claim Only Unbelievers Make

Clear Order and Perverse Response 

An Order and its Distorted Application 

A True Promise  

Hoarding Gold and Silver

The Truth will Out

The Reality Outlined 

36-37 A Higher Degree of Unbelief

Changing the Order of Time

A Change Not Sanctioned by Allah

38-41 The Supreme Word of Allah

A Slackening Resolve

The Best Choice for Believers 

42-96 Manifestations of Hypocrisy

Distinguishing True Believers from Liars 

Absurdity Carried Too Far 

Possessed by Fear 

Contented with Allah’s Gifts 

Fair Distribution Ordered by Allah

The Beneficiaries of Zakāt 

The Prophet’s Care 

Dreading Exposure 

The Trodden Path of Hypocrisy 

The Believers’ Dwelling Place 

All Out Effort to Fight Unbelievers

Lying to Allah 

Never to be Forgiven 

Pleased with One’s Misdeeds 

Staying Behind at a Time of Mobilization

Eager but Without Means 

Hollow Excuses 

97-110 A Mosque for the Hypocrites

Where Hypocrisy is Hardest

The Gap Separating Faith and Hypocrisy

Those Who Lead the Way 

Mixing Good Deeds with Bad Ones 

Awaiting Allah’s Judgement 

A Mosque to Promote Unbelief 

Houses of False Worship 

111-129 The Earth’s Suffocating Expanse

A Very Special Contract

A True Promise and a Profitable Deal 

The Characteristics of True Believers 

An Example to Follow

Acceptance of Repentance

A Turn of Mercy

The Hour of Difficulty

The Case of One Honest Man

Vacillating between Extremes 

The Whole World Seems Too Narrow 

A Reward for Every Little Thing

A Task Akin to Fighting 

Uncompromising Fight

Islamic War Ethics 

Hypocritical Attitudes 

The Prophet’s Relationship with the Believers



Makki Surah 10 (109 Ayah)

Yūnus (Jonah)

Error and Challenge

Human Dignity and Divine Faith 

1-25 A Book Full of Wisdom

Something to Marvel at

Why a Human Messenger?

The Lord to Be Worshipped

Justice for All

Addressing Human Nature

Man’s Changing Attitude

A Demand to Change the Qur’ān

Knowing Something Unknown to Allah

When All Are Powerless

A Description of Life in This World

26-70 Addressing the Human Mind

When Deities Quarrel with Their Worshippers

Giving Life and Causing Death

Who Guides to the Truth

A Book of Allah’s Own Devising

An Amazing Experience with the Qur’ān

Characteristics of the Qur’ān

Areas Unfathomed in Human Writings

Conjecture Preferred to Fact!

When Allah Is the Witness

Why Precipitate Allah’s Punishment?

A Cure for What is in People’s Hearts

Rejoice at Allah’s Grace

Allah’s Grace and People’s Ingratitude

A Cure for Hearts

Confusion Compounded

Fabricated Claims of Divinity

71-103 Unheeded Warnings

Noah’s Challenge 

Different Communities, Same Response 

Truth or Sorcery 

Fear Barring Belief 

No Hope of a Positive Response 

When Accepting the Faith Means Nothing

No Doubts Entertained 

Even When Punishment is Due 

Minds Shut to All Evidence

104-109 Clarification of Issues

Perseverance until Final Judgement 


Makki Surah 11 (123 Ayah)


Several Messengers, One Message

A Community Apart 

Comforting the Prophet 

Different Uses of Historical Events 

Varied Effects 

1-24 The Message Spelled Out

The Main Issues

Hiding Away from Allah 

Matching Science with the Qur’ān 

Man in Different Moods 

Short-Sighted Requests 

A Challenge Never to be Met 

Testimony in Support of Clear Evidence

Unshakeable Belief in the Truth 

The Greatest Losers 

25-49 A Historical Perspective

When a Prophet is Described as a Liar 

A Prophet’s Passionate Plea 

Prophets Act on Their Instructions 

A Rebellious Son 

A Father’s Plea 

The Origin of Monotheistic Religions 

Ties and Families

The Nature of Islamic Society 

A Unique Community 

For Whom Miracles Happen 

50-68 The Promise That Never Fails

Health, Rain and the Allah-Fearing 

A Lesson in Futile Argument 

Destruction of the `Ād 

The Real Issue of Contention 

Faith, the Truth and Human Welfare 

High Hopes, Arrogance and a Woeful Doom

Historical Similarities 

69-83 Abraham’s Special Guests

Good News for Abraham

Familiar or Miraculous? 

Perversion Brings a Painful Doom 

84-99 Social Perspective

Faith and Fair Trading 

Religion and Financial Dealings

A Kind Prophet’s Argument  

When All Arguments Fail

A Double Curse for Pharaoh’s People 

100-123 Single Message, Different People

Summing up Past Lessons 

The Safe Path to Follow 

A Needed Reminder 

Saves Erring Communities

Why Let Differences Occur

The Central Theme 

The Concept of Allah’s Worship 

True Freedom 

Loss Compounded 

Past and Present 

Historical Progress

Different Messengers, One Attitude 

Who Understands the Qur’ān? 


Makki Surah 12 (111 Ayah)

Yūsuf (Joseph)

Trials in Plenty 

A Hint of Future Prospects 

Artistic Narrative 

Realism and Consistency

Realism and Propriety 

The Development of Joseph’s Character

The Bereaved Father

The Carnal and the Sublime

Historical Dimension

Moral Lessons

Suitable Comments

Effective Harmony

1-20 A Favourite Child Is Lost

The Opening of an Excellent Narrative

Interpretation of Dreams

The First Thread in a Sinister Plot

Deceiving an Elderly Father

Fast-Changing Fortunes

21-34 Facing Up to Trial

Settling in Egypt

A Trial of Temptation

False Accusation and Irrefutable Testimony

A Scandal Must be Hushed

35-57 From Prison to Palace

An Innocent Man Goes to Prison

A Platform to Advocate True Faith

A Comparison of Beliefs

To Whom Judgement Belongs

The King’s Dream

The King’s Dream Interpreted

Court Summons

Justice Must Be Seen to Be Done

A Great Turn in Joseph’s Fortunes

Soliciting a High Position

The Birth of a Muslim Community

Suitability and Responsibility

A Maze of Our Own Making

Between Theory and Practice

High Position and Freedom for Joseph

58-79 Brothers’ Reunion

An Encounter with Lost Brothers

The Brothers Travel Again

Looking for Unnecessary Details

A Theft is Announced

Joseph Arrests His Brother

Unsuccessful Appeal

80-101 A Child’s Dream Comes True

The Crisis Reaches Its Climax

Meeting a Lost Brother

A Long Awaited Piece of Good News 

A Happy Family Reunion

102-111 One Message to Mankind 

Turning Away from True Faith 

The Subtle Corruption of Faith

Enlightened Advocacy of Divine Faith 

The Bearers of Allah’s Message

Qur’ānic Stories


Madani Surah 13 (43 Ayah)

Al-Ra ‘d (Thunder)

1-18 A Glance at Wide Horizons 

Scenes of Magnificent Splendour 

Elaborate and Coherent Scenes 

Wrongdoers, Yet Forgiven 

Allah’s Limitless Knowledge 

How Thunder Glorifies Allah 

A Call Without Response 

Unequal Contrasts 

Truth and Falsehood: an Illustration

19-43 The Nature of Faith and Prophethood 

Qualities of the Righteous 

True Heart Comfort 

Foul Devices with Fair Appearance 

A Command to Worship

An Irrefutable Testimony 

Declaring the Essentials of Faith 

An Appeal to Human Feelings 

The Nature of Prophethood 

The Prophet’s Task 

Man’s Actions and Future Life

Blind Rejection of the Truth 

Blindness and Life Corruption 


Makki Surah 14 (52 Ayah)

Ibrāhīm (Abraham)

The Message of All Prophets

Gratitude for Unending Favours 

1-27 One Message for All Mankind 

From Darkness into Light

In Their Own Language

A Reminder of Allah’s Favours

The Dialogue between Messengers and Unbelievers 

Faith Versus Tyranny 

Prayers for Allah’s Support 

So Easy for Allah

Acrimonious Exchanges between Allies 

Realities That Must be Faced 

A Word to Strengthen the Believers 

Messengers versus Unbelievers 

One Message by All Messengers

A Style of Exceptional Refinement 

28-52 Grace and Gratitude

Bartering away Allah’s Blessings

Allah’s Numerous Blessings 

Passionate Prayer by a Devoted Believer 

A Prayer for All Time

No Heeding of Past Lessons 

Fair Reward for All 

Elimination of Pagan Concepts 


Makki Surah 15 (99 Ayah)

Al-Ĥijr (The Rocky Tract)

Proper Understanding Required 

The Nature of Opposition to Islam 

1-15 Preserving the Qur’ān 

Unbelievers Indulge in Wishful Thinking 

A Promise That Will Never Fail 

Preservation of the Qur’ān

A Guarantee for All Time

Same Old Denials 

Testimony by a Western Scientist 

15-25 Great Universal Expanse 

Endless Wonders 

A Clear Plan for All Creation 

26-48 Man and His Sworn Enemy 

The Origins of Man’s Creation

Man’s Dual Nature 

The Encounter and the Fall

A Fine Destiny for the Righteous 

An Eternal Hostility

49-84 Lessons of History 

Abraham’s Visitors

When All Values Are of Little Value 

The Fate of Erring Communities 

85-99 Keeping to the Path of Truth 

Seven Verses of Special Standing 

When the Prophet is in Distress


Makki Surah 16 (128 Ayah)

Al-Naĥl (Th Bees)

1-21 Allah the Creator of All 

An Imminent Grave Event

Creation and Compassion 

Blessings Galore

False Deities That Create Nothing

22-50 Divergent Outlooks and Attitudes

Unbelief Compounded by Arrogance

A Wicked Campaign

A Perfect Contrast

Two Ways for Mankind

The Truth of Resurrection

Universal Submission to Allah’s Power

51-76 The One and Only Allah

All Grace Comes from Allah

Common Forms of Paganism

If Allah Were to Inflict Punishment Now

Clear Signs to Reflect Upon

The Bee and Its Honey

The Life Cycle

Incomparable Situations

77-89 Denying the Undeniable

In the Twinkling of an Eye

Allah’s Hidden Secrets

A Witness against Every Community

90-111 Absolute Justice

An Order Combining All Goodness

Using Oaths for Deceit

Ideals Made Practical

Equal Reward for Equal Sexes

Attitude to Qur’ānic Recitation

The Nature of False Fabrication

Rejecting the Faith after Accepting it

112-128 Advocacy by Example

An Example to Avoid

The Lawful and the Forbidden

The Best Method of Advocacy


Makki Surah 17 (111 Ayah)

Al-Isrā (Ascension)

A Unique Experience

1-21 Allah’s Infinite Power

A Unique Journey

The Promise to the Israelites

Same Action, Same Penalty

Guidance in All Fields

Man’s Hasty Characteristic

Personal Responsibility

Affluence Leading to Destruction

Choices and Rewards

No Limits to Allah’s Grace

22-39 A Code Based on Justice

Kindness to Parents

Kindness to All

Setting Values Right

Adultery Outlawed

A Peaceful Community

Perfect Honesty

Just Weight and Measure

Accountability for All Actions

40-57 Allah: The One and Glorious

All Glorify Him 

Deaf Ears, Sealed Hearts 

Bringing the Dead Back to Life

Man’s Open Enemy 

Competition to Be Closer to Allah 

58-72 Honour Granted to Mankind 

Clear Warnings, Increased Transgression 

An Ever-Raging Battle 

Aspects of Allah’s Favours

A Special Honour for Man 

73-111 Why People Reject the Divine Message 

Vain Endeavours 

The Truth Will Triumph 

The Qur’ānic Cure 

Man’s Scanty Knowledge

Only a Man and a Messenger 

Devoid of all faculties 

A Threat to Exterminate the Believers 

Method of Qur’ānic Revelations 

To Believe or Not to Believe 


Makki Surah 18


1-27 A Distinctive System of Values 

A Stern Warning for Outright Liars

Young Men with Clear Insight 

Spreading Grace 

The Sleepers Awake 

How Many Were in the Cave? 

On Allah We Rely 

Long Was Their Sleep 

28-46 Faith Based on Free Choice

The Truth from Your Lord 

No Rescue Available 

A Gulf Too Wide

Transient Pleasures 

47-59 Heedless of Divine Warnings

A Record to Include All Affairs 

Much Too Argumentative 

Why Reject Allah’s Guidance? 

60-82 A Special Lesson for Moses 

Where the Two Seas Meet

First Jolting Shock 

Patience Stretched to the Edge 

All Made Clear and Simple 

83-110 Accurate Historical Accounts 

The Mysterious Traveller 

A Policy of Justice for All 

A Barrier against Evil Forces 

The Truth about Gog and Magog 

Deaf and Blind

Deceptive Thoughts of Bad Action 

Preparing for a Meeting with the Lord 


Makki Surah 19 (98 Ayah)

Maryam (Mary)

1-40 Allah’s Unbridled Will 

A Passionate Prayer Answered 

A Child Is Born Against All Probability 

John: A Prophet in His Own Right 

Suspending the Law of Procreation 

The Most Remarkable Birth in History 

How Jesus Was Born 

As Mary Confronts Her People 

The Full Truth about Jesus 

41-65 A Long Line of Prophets

A Son’s Passionate Appeal

Insolent Answer to a Compassionate Appeal 

More Prophets 

Allah’s Door Remains Open

Allah’s Absolute Lordship

66-98 Two Interlinked Lives

The Reality of Resurrection

What Gives Better Returns 

A Promise Coming True

Monstrous Claims by the Unbelievers


Makki Surah 20 (135 Ayah)

Ţā Hā

1-98 The Purpose of Revelation 

Knowledge Going Deeper than Secrets 

More Details about Moses 

An Address from On High

Moses’ Mission Defined

Requests Granted

Reminder of Past Favours

Moses’ Mission Outlined

How to Confront a Tyrant 

Calling on a Tyrant to Believe

An Argument Too Powerful 

How to Avoid a Losing Argument 

In Confrontation with the Sorcerers 

A Tyrant’s Threat 

Hearts Touched by Faith

The Drowning of Pharaoh and His Army 

When Allah Intervenes 

The Price for Allah’s Intervention 

Promises Fulfilled or Broken

Justifying Deliberate Error 

Temptation of the Golden Calf 

99-135 Man’s Long Drawn Battle 

Reasons for Qur’ānic History 

All Submit to Allah 

Man’s Lack of Purpose

Drawing the Lines of Battle

The Lessons of History

The Way to Contentment


Makki Surah 21 (112 Ayah)

Al-Anbiyā (The Prophets)

1-35 Clear Solid Evidence 

Reckoning Drawing Close

The Messengers Allah Sends

The Book Giving Distinction to Arabs

Still, Silent and Lifeless

Vanquishing Falsehood

Proof Is Required

Claiming a Son for Allah

Universal Evidence of Allah’s Oneness

The Inevitable End of All People

36-47 A Warning Not to be Ignored

Protection to be Sought

Unheeded Warnings

Accurate Scales Ensuring Absolute Justice

48-92 One Community of Believers

Guidance and Light for Moses

Questioning People’s Beliefs

A Debate to Open People’s Eyes

When the Fire Was Made Cool

Endowed with Knowledge and Wisdom

A Special Gift to a Special Man

A Test of Hardship for a Prophet

Swallowed by the Whale

One Community Throughout History

93-112 A Mercy for Mankind

Rules That Never Fail

One Destiny for Idol and Worshipper

Who Inherits the World

A Manifestation of Grace

An Appeal for Judgement


Madani Surah 22 (78 Ayah)

Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)

A Starting Jolt

1-24 The Pilgrimage

A Fear-Striking Opening

The Way Leading to Error

The Stages of Man’s Creation

The Ultimate Truth

A Conditional Approach to Faith

Judgement Between All Creeds

Widely Divergent Ends

25-41 The Ka`bah and Pilgrimage

The First Sanctuary

Establishing the Sanctuary

Announcing the Pilgrimage

The Pilgrimage Conference

Fall, Snatch and the Deep End

A Sacrifice of Distinction 

Permission to Fight

In Defence of the Believers 

Assured Victory

When Victory is Granted 

42-57 The Sights, Blind Hearts 

Past Communities Punished 

A Parting of the Ways 

Foiling Satan’s Efforts

Messengers’ Great Hopes 

Hasty Hopes 

58-78 Abraham’s Choice of Name 

A Fitting Reward 

Absolute Truth

Mercy Without Limit

No Room for Argument

Powerless Man 

Striving for the Right Cause 


Makki Surah 23 (118 Ayah)

Al-Mu’minūn (The Believers)

1-22 Man, Faith and the Universe 

Success Guaranteed by Faith 

Social and Moral Qualities 

Qualities Guaranteeing Admission to Heaven 

The Origins of Man 

Different Stages in the Creation of Man 

Further Aspects of Creation

Blessings All Around Us 

23-52 One Message for All Mankind 

The First Messenger 

Drowned in a Great Flood 

Along the Same Way to Ruin 

Facing the Same Rejection 

53-98 A Book Stating the Truth 

Competing in Good Works

Will They Not Reflect? 

The Line the Truth Follows 

Inspiring Signs

Questions with One Answer 

The True Concept of Allah 

99-118 Justice and Grace

As Death Approaches 

The Basic Issue of Faith 


Madani Surah 24 (24 Ayah)

Al-Nūr (The Nur)

1-26 The Mandatory Punishment for Adultery 

An Unusual Beginning 

Is Hard Punishment Justified? 

Measures Against False Accusation 

When a Husband Accuses His Wife 

Legislation is Given When Needed 

A False Accusation Against the Prophet’s Wife 

As the Prophet Faces False Accusations 

How the False Story Was Circulated 

Two Steps for Proof

When Falsehood Circulates 

Further Warnings, More Grace

Attaining the Sublime 

27-34 Measures to Preserve Decency 

Before Entering a House

Visiting People When They Are Not Ready

Good Manners and High Morals 

Proper Control of a Natural Desire 

Prompt Compliance with Divine Orders 

Promoting Easy Marriage 

Financial Help for Marriage 

Fair Treatment for the Least Privileged 

35-45 The Light of Heaven and Earth 

Allah’s Radiant Light 

An Example Portraying Allah’s Light 

Deeds That Come to Nothing 

All Glorify Allah 

Snatching Eyesight 

46-57 Guidance to the Straight Path

Contrasting Attitudes 

The Road to True Success 

Allah’s True Promise

Not Included in Allah’s Promise 

58-64 Perfect Manners 

Good Manners at Home

Rules Relaxed 

Good Manners with the Prophet 

A Stern Warning to the Disobedient


Makki Surah 25 (77 Ayah)

Al-Furqān (The Criterion)

1-20 To Distinguish Right from False

The Purpose of Qur’ānic Revelations 

Accusations without Basis

Honouring Mankind 

Denying Resurrection 

Entrusting Allah’s Message to Man 

21-44 Below Animal Level 

Ominous Prospects for the Unbelievers 

What Use is Regret? 

A Complaint by Allah’s Messenger 

The Time Span of Qur’ānic Revelations 

The Fate of Earlier Unbelievers

Ridiculing Allah’s Messenger 

When Desire is Worshipped 

45-62 Raising Support Against Allah 

Moving Shadows, Still Night 

Jihad by Means of the Qur’ān 

Separating Types of Water 

The Great Miracle of Life

In League Against Allah

In Whom to Trust 

Setting the Universe to Order 

63-77 Allah’s True Servants

The Distinctive Features of Faith 

Steering Away from Sin 

Erasing Sin Through Repentance 

Further Qualities of True Believers 

Destined for the Finest Abode 


Makki Surah 26 (227 Ayah)

Al-Shu`arā (The Poets)

1-9 If People Would Only Reflect

The Prophet’s Unnecessary Concern

The Inimitability of the Qur’ānic Style

10-68 A Debate with Pharaoh

Allah’s Call to Moses

A Sarcastic Exchange with Pharaoh

The Challenge Continues

Brutal Threats versus Logical Arguments

Falsehood Comes to Grief

Turning the Scales against Pharaoh

Brute Force to Suppress Faith

Divine Care for True Believers

The Drowning of Pharaoh’s Army

69-104 No End to Allah’s Blessings

Questioning Popular Beliefs

Acknowledging Allah’s Favours

Prayer by a Devoted Worshipper

A Question That Needs No Answer

105-122 Judgement Belongs to Allah

When Believers are the Lowest in Society

123-140 How the Mighty Fall

Power and a Sense of Immortality

141-159 A Blatant Challenge to Allah

Warnings Unheeded

160-175 Perversion Leading to Ruin

Arrogant Perverts

176-191 Fair Dealings for All

Widespread Corruption

192-227 The Qur’ān: A Definitive Description

Facts of Revelation

How to Give Warning

How to Treat Believers

Reality versus Imagination

What Makes Poetry Islamic


Makki Surah 27 (93 Ayah)

Al-Naml (The Ants)

1-6 Revelations Bringing Happy News

All by the Grace of Allah

7-14 Nine Miracles for Most

Moses: A Favoured Messenger

15-44 Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

A Brief Reference and a Detailed Account

Removing the Barriers of Nature

A Majestic Procession for Solomon 

The Story Unfolds 

Exchange with a Powerful Queen

Waiting for the Queen 

A Confrontation of Sorts 

45-53 Plotting to Kill a Prophet 

Precipitating Evil 

54-58 Perversion Leading to Ruin 

Persecuting Purity

54-58 Of Allah's Own Making 

Who Else?

Who Takes Care of Man? 

Origination and Resurrection

Blind to the Truth 

After Being Reduced to Ashes 

A Final Word on Israelite Differences

Guidance and Mercy

Presages of the Last Hour 

Summing Up Instructions 


Makki Surah 28 (88 Ayah)

Al-Qaşaş (The Story)

1-43 Security at the Height of Danger 

Setting the Scene 

Saving Moses 

In Full Vigour 

The Secret is Exposed 

Warning by a Well-Wisher

Security in a New Home

A Marriage Proposal

On the Way Back

Preparation for a Difficult Mission

A Call from on High 

The Arrogant are Punished 

The Other End 

44-75 The Truth Clear for All 

Confirmation of the Message 

Sound Approach to Truth 

Who Receives Guidance

Absurd Fears

Where Real Security Lies 

Disclaimers Availing Nothing 

Where Praise Belongs

A Different Universe 

76-84 Ungrateful for Allah’s Blessings 

Sound Advice Met with Arrogance 

Dazzling Appearances 

A Fitting End 

85-88 The Ultimate Return 

The Prophet and the Qur’ān


Makki Surah 29 (69 Ayah)

Al-`Ankabūt (The Spider)

1-13 The Inevitable Test 

Inevitable Tests

Who Benefits by Striving 

Conflict with Parents 

Hard Tests and False Temptation 

14-45 Like a Spider’s Web 

Extremely Long Life 

Issues Clarified 

Reflection on Allah’s Creation 

Abandoning Home for Allah 

Sexual Perversion in Public 

Different Types of Punishment

The Frailty of the Powerful 

The Clear Path 

46-69 Confused Concepts 

According to What is Best

What Need for Miracles?

Hastening Allah’s Punishment 

Inevitable Death

Contradictions Galore


Makki Surah 30 (60 Ayah)


1-32 Signs to Reflect Upon

The Natural Bond of Faith

To Whom Power Belongs

An Invitation to Reflect 

Two Divergent Ways

The Cycle of Life and Death 

Man and the Universe

An Analogy Drawn from Human Life

Concluding Directive

33-60 Bringing Life out of the Dead

Vacillating Conditions 

Corruption and Pollution 

Aspects of Allah’s Grace 

The Different Stages of Man’s Life

No Change of Position


Makki Surah 31 (34 Ayah)


Four Presentations of One Issue 

1-19 A Sage’s Admonition 

A Book of Wisdom

The Other Party 

Signs of Wisdom 

A Totally New Approach 

Relations with Parents 

The Hereafter and the Reckoning 

20-34 Allah’s Absolute Knowledge

Blessings Galore 

Using the Creation Argument 

Allah the Truth 

The Lure of Comfortable Living 

Knowledge Absolute 


Makki Surah 32 (30 Ayah)

Al-Sajdah (The Prostration)

1-30 The Main Issues of Faith 

Dispelling All Doubt 

Six Days of Creation 

Perfection of Creation

Genes and Evolution

The Making of Man 

Shameful Admission 

Getting Up for Worship 

Lessons of History 

Looking at Life 


Madani Surah 33 (73 Ayah)

Al-Aĥzāb (The Confederates)

1-8 False Relations Abolished 

Setting the Scene 

No False Relations

Adoption Abolished

Ending Brotherhood

The Prophet’s Authority

A Binding Covenant

9-27 Rallying All Hostile Forces

Difficulties in Abundance

An Encounter with Allied Forces

The Qur’ānic Report

A Test Too Hard

Where to Escape Death

Inner Feelings Laid Bare

The Opposite Image

Strengthening Faith

The Other Enemy

Treachery of Great Magnitude

28-35 Unlike All Women

A Choice is Offered

All Were Human

A Unique Position

Values in Islamic Life

36-48 Fearing Social Reaction

Background Cases

Establishing a Principle

Zaynab’s Marriage

From Darkness into Light

The Prophet’s Role

49-62 Detailed Legal Provisions

Divorce Before Consummation

The Prophet’s Wives

Observing Good Manners

Further Instructions and a Warning

63-73 Too Heavy for Mountains

The Timing of the Last Hour

Baseless Accusations

Man’s Weakness


Makki Surah 34 (54 Ayah)

Saba’ (Sheba)

1-9 Infinite and Accurate Knowledge

Where Praise is Due 

Why a Judgement Day? 

10-21 Contrasting Attitudes 

Special Favours for David 

More Favours for Solomon

No Gratitude for Allah’s Favours 

22-27 Distinct Ways, Different Ends

The Truth Will Out 

Either One or the Other 

28-42 Futile Argument 

The Prophet’s Responsibility

Stubborn to the Hilt 

An Ever Repeated Story 

Who Benefits Whom 

43-54 Final Warning

A Man Like You

A Search for the Truth 

The Final Scene


Makki Surah 35 (45 Ayah)

Fāţir (The Originator)

1-3 Giving All Grace 

The Originator 

Unrestricted Grace

A Personal Experience 

Who Else?

4-8 The Lurking Enemy 

The True Promise 

The Key to Evil 

9-14 Fashioning All Creation 

The Source of All Power 

Man’s Creation 

Different Waters 

Thus is Allah 

15-26 Individual Responsibility 

Replaceable Creation 

Everyone on Their Own 

27-38 Reciters of Allah’s Revelations 

Colour in All Creation 

The Revealed Book 

39-45 The Fate of Evil Design 

Lessons to Reflect Upon

Sustaining the Universe 

If Only 


Makki Surah 36 (83 Ayah)

Yā Sīn 

1-29 Appeal to Reason 

A Book Full of Wisdom 

A Historical Case

Welcome Support 

Killing an Innocent Man

30-68 Signs Galore 

A Sorrowful Condition 

Only Look Around 

What Opens Sealed Hearts 

Mercy: the Essential Quality 

69-83 What Prevents Resurrection? 

No Place for Poetry 

Just the One Allah 

A Second Life for All 


Makki Surah 37 (182 Ayah)

Al-Şāffāt (Ranged in Ranks)

1-68 Will You Have a Look? 

A Sky Adorned with Stars 

Receiving the Message with Ridicule

69-148 Abraham’s Sacrifice

The Fate of Noah’s People 

Abraham and the Idols

The Great Sacrifice 


Abraham’s Descendants 

Jonah and the Whale

149-182 To Whom Victory is Guaranteed 

Superstitious Beliefs 

An Unfailing Promise 


Makki Surah 38 (88 Ayah)


1-16 Unjustifiable Reaction

Arrogance and Hostility 

A Strange Amazement

17-48 Tests for Prophets

David Ruling in a Dispute 

A Reminder to Grasp 

A Test for Solomon 

The Symbol of Patience in Adversity 

Other Prophets 

49-64 Contrasting Ends 

A Quarrel in Hell 

65-88 Man’s First Creation

A Plain Warning 

How it All Started


Makki Surah 39 (75 Ayah)

Al-Zumar (The Throngs)

1-7 The Diversity of Allah’s Creation

Maintaining Sincerity in Faith 

Who Deserves Guidance?

Three Depths of Darkness 

8-10 As Comfort Replaces Affliction 

Brief Enjoyment 

It’s a Wide Earth

11-20 The Losers

The First to Submit to Allah 

21-29 The Best of All Discourses 

Rain Bringing Life

Two Types of Heart

Unequal Situations

30-35 The People of the Truth 

Widely Different Rewards

36-52 Signs to Reflect Upon

To Do All in One’s Power 

What Intercession? 

As Man Suffers Affliction 

53-61 The Gates of Mercy 

Mercy Available to All 

62-75 Driven in Throngs 

False Understanding 

A Majestic Scene 

The Ultimate Destination


Makki Surah 40 (85 Ayah)

Ghāfir (The Forgiver)

1-20 A Prayer by Angels

Clear Outline

The Same Old Battle

A Universal Bond

Hating Oneself

No Injustice

21-55 A Believer in Pharaoh's House

Citing an Historical Example

The Argument of Brute Force

In Defence of Moses

Pharaoh's Manoeuvre

Who Bears the Blame?

Allah's Unfailing Support

56-77 Always Responding to Prayers

Small Fry but Arrogant

Blessings of All Sorts

Definitive Declaration

A Singular Argument

78-85 When it is Too Late to Believe

Past Messengers

Signs Everywhere

Lessons of History


Makki Surah 41 (54 Ayah)

Fussilat (Clearly Expounded)

1-36 Testimony of One's Own Senses

The Source of Divine Revelations

Creation of the Earth

A Blessed Planet

A Design for the Sky

A Willing Submission

What Punishment for Turning Away?

The Warning and Its Effect

Unusual Witnesses

Control Over Human Souls

What Image for the Advocate of Islam

37-54 No Concealment from Allah

Clear Universal Signs

How to Describe Unfaith

Man's Vacillating Attitude

Signs Galore


Makki Surah 42 (53 Ayah)

Al-Shura (Consultation)

1-24 A Message Revealed by Allah

Angels Praying for Mankind

The Mother City

The Arabian Environment

The Division of Mankind

Who Judges in Disputes?

The Same Faith of Old

Division in Religion

Hastening the Last Hour

Fearing One's Deeds

Allah's Word of Truth

25-53 Allah's Signs in the Created World

Affluence and People's Behaviour

What Causes Misfortune

Control of Natural Laws

A Community Moulded by Faith

Qualities of the Faithful

What Price for a Second Chance?

When Response is Slow Coming

Methods of Revelation

The Nature of Revelation

The Guiding Light


Makki Surah 43 (89 Ayah)

Al-Zukhruf (Gold)

1-25 Ignorance Based on Superstition

An Address to the Mind

The Almighty Creator

Blessings of Every Type

An Absurd Superstition

26-56 Blindness Out of Choice

The Principle Abraham Urged

Whom to Entrust with Allah's Message

Greater than Life's Riches

Which Type of Comrade

Making the Deaf Hear

The Same Old Argument

57-89When Friends Turn Enemies

Arguing About Jesus

Waiting for the Last Hour

In Heaven and on Earth


Makki Surah 44 (59 Ayah)

Al-Dukhan (Smoke)

1-59 Smoke That Ushers Clarity

The Blessed Night

Clarifying Smoke

Drowning Pharaoh

Doubting Resurrection

Two Different Fates


Makki Surah 45 (37 Ayah)

Al-Jathiyah (Kneeling Down)

1-23 A Clear Way of Religion

Signs Everywhere

Those Deaf to the Qur'an

Will They Reflect?

Forgiveness of Offenders

The Leaders of Humanity

Totally Unequal

24-37 To Whom Supremacy Belongs

A Narrow View of Life

The Record of All Deeds


Makki Surah 46 (35 Ayah)

Al-Ahqaf (Sand Dunes)

1-14 One Universe, One Creator

In Line with the Truth

A Wild Claim

What Reward for Believers?

15-20 Two Types of Offspring

Dutiful to Parents

To the Other Place

Submitting the Final Account

21-28 When Prophets Are Challenged

At the Sand Dunes

Useless Power

29-35 Jinn Listening to the Qur'an

The Jinn Listening to the Qur'an

A Telling Warning

As Resurrection Takes Place


Madani Surah 47 (38 Ayah)


1-15 Captives of War

Belief in Muhammad's Revelations

An Order to Fight

The Ruling on Captives of War

What We Say

The Purpose of Jihad

Purely for Allah's Sake

Superficial Enjoyment

The Reward: a Physical Image

16-31 What Fate for Sealed Hearts

How Divine Guidance Works

The Hypocrites and Jihad

Evil Conspiracy

The Threat of Exposure

32-38 An Invitation to Sacrifice

They Cannot Harm Allah

Niggardly Man


Madani Surah 48 (29 Ayah)

Al-Fath (Victory)

A Declaration of Peace

Successive Emissaries

The Fourth Envoy

The Prophet's Envoy

A Pledge to Fight and Die

A Delegation for Peace

Unease in the Muslim Camp

A Hard Test of Muslim Intentions

Kill Your Father

Cancellation of Intended Worship

The General Atmosphere

A Community Attains Maturity

1-17 A Victory in the Making

A Different Concept of Victory

A Medley of Emotions

The Promise and the Reward

The Ones Left Behind

The True Balance

Fine Prospects

18-29 People's Pledges and Allah's Promises

A Unique Event

As Allah Speaks

Exposing the Unbelievers

The Prophet's True Vision

The Muslim Community


Madani Surah 49 (18 Ayah)

Al-Hujurat (Compartments)


Refining Rough Manners

When Speaking to the Prophet

Making Sure Before Taking Action

Making Life Too Hard

Fighting Between Muslim Believers

No Ridicule, Defamation or Insult

No Suspicion or Backbiting

The Brotherhood of Mankind

The Meaning of True Faith

Allah's Real Favour

All For a Definite Purpose


Makki Surah 50 (45 Ayah)



Truth and Denial

A Glance at History

A Journey Through Life

Every Little Secret

As Life Draws to an End

An Easy Resurrection


Makki Surah 51 (60 Ayah)

Al-Dhariyat (The Scattering Winds)


A True Promise

Differences and Blind Guessing

At the Opposite End

Signs Galore

Man: A World of Wonders

An Oath to Confirm the Truth

Abraham and the Angels

Moses and Earlier Communities

Creatures in Pairs

The Purpose of Creation


Makki Surah 52 (49 Ayah)

Al-Tur (Mount Sinai)


No Way Out

Playing with Vain Trifles

For Believers and Offspring

A Reminder of Allah's Blessings

Perfect Contract


Makki Surah 53 (62 Ayah)

Al-Najm (The Star)


As the Prophet Receives Revelation

Claiming Divinity for Idols

The Attitude to Take

What Requital for Man

On Their Own

Life's Journey

A Sperm and Two Sexes

The Communities of Old

A Fabricated Story

A Personal Experience


Makki Surah 54 (55 Ayah)

Al-Qamar (The Moon)


The Splitting of the Moon

A Miracle in Support?

Reactions to Great Signs

Far Back in History

Aggressors Against Allah's Sign

Lot’s People

A New and Powerful Warning

Most Accurate Measure

A Far Greater Perspective

Operating the Divine Will


Madani Surah 55 (78 Ayah)

Al-Rahman (The Lord of Grace)


Man's Creation and Education

The Faculty of Speech

The Sun and the Moon

Submissive Universe

Blessings in Seas and Rivers

The Eternal

Appeals from All

A Frightening Threat

The Last Day

The Four Gardens


Makki Surah 56 (96 Ayah)

Al-Waqi’ah (The Inevitable Event)


Unfinished Conditional

Three Groups

The Other Groups

Stating the Case

The Beginning and End

Plant, Water and Fire

A Great Oath

At the Moment of Death

The Final Destination


Madani Surah 57 (29 Ayah)

Al-Hadid (Iron)

1-15 Who Gives Allah a Loan?

All Glorify Allah

Absolute Dominion

The One and Only

Creation, Knowledge and Dominion

Degrees of Believers

Classes of Actions

A Breathtaking Scene

16-29 A Race to Forgiveness

A Higher Degree of Faith

In the Highest Position

A Life of Trivialities

A Great Prize to Compete for

The Will That Will Be Done

Far Back in History

Twice the Mercy


Madani Surah 58 (22 Ayah)

Al-Mujadalah (The Pleading)


A Personal Case in Dispute

Education Through Practice

In Contention Against Allah

Whispers and Conspiracies

What to Say in Secret

Refined Manners

False Swearing

The Measure of Faith


Madani Surah 59 (24 Ayah)

Al-Hashr (The Gathering)


Allah's Direct Action

Gains Achieved Without a War

Money Circulation

The Only Source of Legislation

Three Groups of Distinction

False Promises

In Satan's Footsteps

Two Unequal Groups

The Influence of the Qur'an

Allah's Attributes


Madani Surah 60 (13 Ayah)

Al-Mumtahanah (Women Tested)

The Process of Cultivation

Treasonable Action

Lessons Derived


What Friends?

A Long Historical Relation

Whom to Boycott

Women Migrants

Women's Pledge of Allegiance


Madani Surah 61 (14 Ayah)

Al-Saff (The Ranks)


Words and Actions

Moral Values in Practice

The Jihad Duty

Denounced Attitude

Trying to Extinguish Allah's Light

A Most Profitable Bargain

Echoing Jesus' Appeal


Madani Surah 62 (11 Ayah)

Al-Jumu’ah (The Congregation)

1-11 The Day of Congregation

A Universal Glorification

The Messenger's Terms of Reference

Worthy of Trust

One Role Ended

The Congregation on Friday


Madani Surah 63 (11 Ayah)

Al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites)


Ugly Hypocrisy

Stirring Up Trouble

Dealing with Hypocrisy

Arrogance and Deprivation

Time to Be Charitable


Madani Surah 64 (18 Ayah)

Al-Taghabun (Mutual Loss and Gain)


The Creator and His Creation

Allah's Limitless Power

The Unbelievers' Objections

The Truth of Resurrection

Spouses and Children as Enemies


Madani Surah 65 (12 Ayah)

AI-Talaq (Divorce)

Taking Divorce Seriously

A Realistic Approach to Marriage

Eradicating Traces of Jahiliyyah


The Process of Divorce

Fairness in All Situations

More on the Waiting Period

Maintenance and Breast-Feeding

A Holistic Approach to Divorce

The Fate of the Disobedient

The Creator of All


Madani Surah 66 (12 Ayah)

Al-Tahrim (Prohibition)

The Prophet's Wives


The Event

The Reports

The Outcome

The Qur'anic Discussion

A Believer's Responsibility

Our Own Hard Task

Contrasting Examples


Makki Surah 67 (30 Ayah)

Al-Mulk (Dominion)

1-30 The Sovereign of the Universe

Allah's Power of Creation

In the Wide Universe

Pelting Lamps

Praised by All Creatures

All in the Open

Mankind's Abode

When the Earth is Shaken

An Invitation to Reflect

Who Else?

What Guidance?

The Promise Fulfilment

Awaiting the Prophet's Death

The Final Note


Makki Surah 68 (52 Ayah)

Al-Qalam (The Pen)

A Wide Gulf


Issues Spelled Out

A Testimony by Allah

Emphasis on Morality

Reassurance About the Future

What Sort of Nobility

The People of the Garden

Can They Be Equal?

What Type of Fight?

The Value of Patience

To All Man.kind


Makki Surah 69 (52 Ayah)

Al-Haqqah (The Inevitable Truth)

The Style


True and Inevitable

Unbelievers, Fates

Greater Horrors

Overwhelmed with Joy

At the Opposite End

The Qur'anic Revelations

A Very Serious Threat


Makki Surah 70 (44 Ayah)

Al-Ma’arij (Ways of Ascent)


The Truth of the Hereafter

Celestial Events

Between Good and Evil

The Exceptions

The Unbelievers' Attitude


Makki Surah 71 (28 Ayah)

Nuh (Noah)

Why the Effort?


The Message in Brief

Untiring Efforts

Provisions in Abundance

Signs in Plenty

Varied Methods

Noah's Prayer


Makki Surah 72 (28 Ayah)

Al-Jinn (The Jinn)

Support from Another World

The Jinn's Account

Reports of the Event


A Surprise for the Jinn

Between Humans and Jinn

Shooting Stars

To Tread the Unknown

The Jinn Community

Different Types of Trial

None Other Than Allah

Both Jinn and Human

No Help from Anyone

Limited Knowledge


Makki Surah 73 (20 Ayah)

Al-Muzzammil (The Enfolded One)


The One Enfolded

A Heavy Weight to Carry

Flattened Mountains

A Hard Duty is Relaxed


Makki Surah 74 (56 Ayah)

Al-Muddaththir (Wrapped in Cloak)


Essential Preparations

Singled Out

A Test for Unbelievers

A Look at the Universe

Individual Responsibility

Who Heeds the Reminder?


Makki Surah 75 (40 Ayah)

Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection)


Self-Reproaching Soul

Allah's Guarantee

Opposite Positions

The Scene of Death

Arrogant Rejection

Can it be Without Purpose?


Madani Surah 76 (31 Ayah)

Al-Insan (Man)


When Man Was Nothing

When the Test is Over

Sincere and Generous

No Compromise

Divergent Ways


Makki Surah 77 (50 Ayah)

Al-Mursalat (Sent Forth)


Enigmatic Beginning

Universal Upheaval

Three Quick Rounds

The Release

The Other Group


Makki Surah 78 (40 Ayah)

Al-Naba’ (The Tiding)


Needless Enquiry

Around Man’s World 

Reckoning and Reward

The Fateful Day 

In Allah’s Presence


Makki Surah 79 (46 Ayah)

Al-Nāzi`āt (The Pluckers)


The Pluckers and the Event

Instructions Given to Moses

Unrivalled Insolence

Conducive to Life

Different Dwellings

The Timing of the Last Hour


Makki Surah 80 (42 Ayah)

`Abasa (The Frowning)


The Basis of Social Values

Who Takes Priority?

A Reproach and a Principle

Instilling a New Value

The Principle in Practice

Man’s Arrogant Attitude

Useful Reflection

A Signal for Resurrection


Makki Surah 81 (29 Ayah)

Al-Takwīr (The Darkening)


Upheaval in the Universe

Girls Buried Alive

A Splendid Universal Scene

The Two Messengers

Free Choice


Makki Surah 82 (19 Ayah)

Al-Infiţār (Cleaving Asunder)


The Great Upheaval

Grace Without Limits

Man’s Unique Qualities

Different Destinies


Makki Surah 83 (36 Ayah)

Al-Muţaffifīn (The Stinters)


Giving a Raw Deal

The Inevitable Reckoning

Faces Radiant with Joy

Stark Contrast

Who Laughs at Whom?


Makki Surah 84 (25 Ayah)

Al-Inshiqāq (The Rending)


Complete Universal Submission

Man’s Hard Labour

Suffering Through Life

Unfailing Reward


Makki Surah 85 (22 Ayah)

Al-Burūj (The Constellations)


The Horrendous Event

Different Destinies

Allah’s Unique Attributes


Makki Surah 86 (17 Ayah)

Al-Ţāriq (The Night Visitor)


A Special Type of Visitor 

Man’s Humble Origin

A Powerful Discourse


Makki Surah 87 (19 Ayah)

Al-A`lā (The Most High)


Glorifying the Creator 

The Perfection of Allah’s Creation

Happy News for the Prophet 

A Life Characterized by Ease 

Ease in Practice

The Prophet’s Great Task 


Makki Surah 88 (26 Ayah)

Al-Ghāshiyah (The Enveloper)


The Story in Brief 

Reflection on Allah’s Creation 

The Prophet’s Mission


Makki Surah 89 (30 Ayah)

Al-Fajr (The Dawn)


A Serene Opening

Swift Punishment of Tyranny 

Human Short-Sightedness 

The Fateful Day 


Makki Surah 90 (20 Ayah)

Al-Balad (The City)


Affliction in Human Life 

Great Blessings 

Scaling the Ascent 

Setting Practical Examples 

Makki Surah 91 (15 Ayah)

Al-Shams (The Sun)


Allah’s Solemn Oath 

A Look into the Human Soul

Historical Example 

Makki Surah 92 (21 Ayah)

Al-Layl (The Night)


An Oath by Universal Phenomena 

A Journey with Divergent Ends

And Different Ends

Makki Surah 93 (11 Ayah)

Al-Đuĥā (The Morning Hours)


Unfailing Favours 

Makki Surah 94 (8 Ayah)

Al-Sharĥ (Solace)


Makki Surah 95 (8 Ayah)

Al-Tīn (The Fig)


Man’s Fair Shape

Makki Surah 96 (19 Ayah)

Al-`Alaq (The Germ-Cell)


The First Revelation 

A Momentous Event 

A Special Type of Education 

Arrogance and Ingratitude 

Makki Surah 97 (5 Ayah)

Al-Qadr (Power)


A Most Distinguished Night

Madani Surah 98 (8 Ayah)

Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Proof)


Need for a Divine Message 

Internal Division and Hostility 

Clear and Simple 

Madani Surah 99 (8 Ayah)

Al-Zalzalah (The Earthquake)


The Results of a Life’s Work 

Makki Surah 100 (11 Ayah)

Al-`Ādiyāt (The Coursers)


Witness to His Shortcomings 

Makki Surah 101 (11 Ayah)

Al-Qāri`ah (The Striker)


Determination of People’s Fates

Makki Surah 102 (8 Ayah)

Al-Takāthur (Rivalry for Worldly Gain)


Greedy Preoccupations 

Makki Surah 103 (3 Ayah)

Al-`Aşr (The Declining Day)


Faith and Its Significance 

Faith in Human Life 

Need for Righteous Deeds 

Profit and Loss

Makki Surah 104 (9 Ayah)

Al-Humazah (The Slanderer)


Despicable Character 


Makki Surah 105 ( Ayah)

Al-Fīl (The Elephant)


Historical Background 

A Rationalist View 

Natural Phenomena and Allah’s Power 

A Momentous Event 

The Arabs and Islam

Makki Surah 106 (4 Ayah)



Lest They Forget

Makki Surah 107 (7 Ayah)

Al-Mā`ūn (Small Kindness)


Belief and Practice

Makki Surah 108 (3 Ayah)

Al-Kawthar (Abundance)



Blessings in Abundance 

Makki Surah 109 (6 Ayah)

Al-Kāfirūn (The Unbelievers)


No Meeting of the Ways

Madani Surah 110 (3 Ayah)

Al-Naşr (Divine Help)


An Awaited Event 

Makki Surah 111 (5 Ayah)

Al-Masad (Fire Flames)


The Final Word

Makki Surah 112 (4 Ayah)

Al-Ikhlāş (Purity of Faith)


Allah’s Absolute Oneness 

A Complete Way of Life 

Makki Surah 113 (5 Ayah)

Al-Falaq (The Daybreak)


Protection against Evil

Makki Surah 114 (6 Ayah)

Al-Nās (Mankind)


The Lord of Mankind

The Qur'an Can Never Be Translated Absolutely – Nouman Ali Khan

What makes the Qur’an so unique in the way in which it communicates, the way in which Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) says stuff is so powerful and so incredible. You see the Quran when it's translated, maybe you'll get the content of what he says, maybe. What would you definitely not get, a hundred percent, how he said it, that's lost. What he said, maybe you get something out of translation, maybe, but how he said it is gone, that's it, because how he said it exists in what language? In Arabic, even if you explain it to somebody in Arabic in your own Arabic it's still not how he said it, you understand. So the creative beauty, the unique beauty, the unparalleled majesty really of Allah's words, they cannot be translated, something from the meaning can be translated, but the actual impact that the original words have nothing else can have.

In appreciating this gap between our attempts to translate the Quran and Allah's own words to appreciate this gap, you know what the Suyuti rahimullah said, he said if you can appreciate the distance between Allah (swt) and his creation, meaning how far above Allah (swt) has from his creation, then you have some idea of the distance between the word of Allah and the word of the creation.


What is translation? It is the word of creation, it can never be a substitute for the word of Allah, it can't be. This is not on what is lost in the content, we could talk about that - there's a lot lost in the content - but I want to talk to you about what is lost, in the beauty, in the style and how can we as non-Arab speaking audiences, as people that aren't exposed to the Arabic language, at least even begin that journey of appreciating the Quran and that light, that is something that has been held dearly by Muslims for a very very very long time and is almost entirely lost upon the Muslims in our times. You see when we hear that the Qur’an is a miracle, how is the miracle of the Qur’an presented? Mostly if you google, it the first thing very scientific phenomena in the Qur’an, isn't that true. Another thing you might get is some crazy number 19 theory, right, you'll get that some statistics. Another thing you might get is the Qur’an had predictions like Rome is going to be, it was dominated, but it will come back and take over again, predictions in the Qur’an. But do we believe that every ayah of the Qur’an is a miracle? Do we believe that, is it a miracle from the very time it was revealed or later on? From then, from its inception, the very big first communication we had with the Qur’an, the first interaction human beings had with the Qur’an, every last ayah of the Qur’an is a miracle. This is what we believe. How many ayah of Quran are predictions, very few. How many ayah of Quran are dedicated to scientific phenomenon, very few. How many of these things were even known to the Arabs of that time, almost nothing. So what is it that mesmerized these people, what is it that every time the messenger opened his mouth that there would be, some even said, they would be dumb found they didn't know what to say.




Allah azza wajal put two things in the  Qur'an, when somebody translates the Qur'an even in the best translation at the most they will try to capture some of the message, but it is impossible to capture the miracle of Qur'an. Miracle is only in the words of Allah (swt), his own choice of words that's what makes them miraculous. So if I try to tell you what an ayah means in English or an order or any other language I may be able to give you something about the meaning of the ayah, but I cannot cannot display to you the beauty and the miracle of the ayah that's impossible that really is impossible and I wanted to demonstrate to you.


The third ayah in Surah al-Muddaththir says in Arabic “ra-bba-ka-fa-ka-bbi-r” you notice something it's spelled backwards and forwards the same way, in English literature we call this a palindrome, something that spells backwards and forwards, the same way like Bob or racecar, an interesting  palindrome in English.


Allah azza wajal gave our messenger allallahu ta`ala `alayhi wa sallam, words that he didn't write down, Allah (swt) tells him you didn't write anything down with your head, you don't know how to write, so this is entirely an oral exercise for the messenger allallahu ta`ala `alayhi wa sallam and he once he says something, he doesn't edit it, he doesn't correct it, that's it. Allah (swt) revealed it and that's it, there's no “I didn't mean to say that, let me change the way I said it etc etc” right. It's exactly the way instructed him to recite, the challenge for mankind is you see the ayah, the simple translation of the ayah would be “declared the greatness only of your Lord” that would be a simple translation. Try to say declare the greatness only of your Lord in English or French or German or Japanese or Chinese or Italian or Russian or Urdu or Farsi you pick the language, say it so that it spells backwards and forwards the same way and say it. So you only have one attempt orally no writing down, no looking up in dictionaries. How possible is that Subhan Allah, I can translate the ayah, but could I translate the miracle in English, if I tell you “declare the greatness only of your Lord” you get some of the message, but do you get the miracle you don't get the nur, the miracle of Qur'an is in the Arabic language and this is just one small example in the Qur'an. Every ayah has its own miracle, every ayah presents its own miracle. The tragedy of our times is most people don't even know the message of Qur'an and for the people who know the message of Qur'an, the vast majority of them don't know the miracle of Qur'an, so this is something that's almost lost a treasure, that's lost from the general knowledge of the Muslim population and just imagine, if our children even knew five ayah and they knew what they meant and then they knew the miracle in those ayat, wouldn't they have a different kind of imagine, those ayah it would mean something more to them.

This is what you see a difference between our Eman and the Eman of the Sahaba. One of the reasons among the many reasons is that when they heard Qur'an they heard the message and they also heard miracle, there are two things at the same time, we at the most we hear one thing, so this is one reason to definitely be a student of the Arabic language, because we want to appreciate the Qur'an in its message and we also want to taste the beauty of it miracle.

Muslim believes that every word in the Quran is exactly from Allah (swt), you can't add to it, you can't take away from it, if Allah (swt) describes the Qur'an is al Qur'an al Hakim, the Quran full of wisdom, we can never separate wisdom and Qur'an. Allah (swt) would say the same thing the Arabic language, for one word has 12 different uses, there are 10 different kinds of anger there are dozen different kinds of just seeing, you know different kinds of subtle impatience, different words for it and then why uses different words in different places.


You know we need to build a thirst for the choices of words Allah (swt) makes because they're so precise and there it is impossible to pick another language, that can do justice to that precision, it's very difficult even if you translate one word for anger as fear as you know, for example you take and you translated as anger and another Arabic word for anger you translated as rage most people do the know the difference between anger and rage, same thing to us right, he was full of anger, he was full of rage, I mean we use these words interchangeably. The Arabic axiom is, there is no one word that is the perfect substitute for another word, every word has its own connotation every word has its own little taste, so Allah’s words are very difficult to communicate in another language the most you can get is some general idea, but if you want to get precise we need to resort back to the Arabic language.




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