Chosen Islamic Manners
Necessary Manners for One who is Memorizing
the Qur'an
*The one who is memorizing the Qur'an should ask Allah sincerely to
help him memorize it. He should aim to please Allah Almighty in all that he says and
*The student should realize that memorizing the Qur'an and putting
its commandments into practice will be a source of honor for him in this life
and it will raise his rank on the Day of Resurrection. The Prophet (pbuh)
'Indeed Allah honors people on account of this Book (i.e. the Qur'an) and
dishonors others on account of it.' (Muslim)
*One should abstain from doing things that preoccupy him and keep
him away from gaining knowledge.
*One should memorize the Qur'an by
reading to a Sheik.
*One should be persistent and not become frustrated when memorizing
the Qur'an. The Prophet (pbuh) said:
'Indeed knowledge is attained by learning.' (Dar Qutni)
*One should read the exegesis of the verses he wants to
*One should organize his time, and assign a certain time wherein he
reads and memorizes.
*One should regularly read the Qur'an, for it is easily forgotten.
The Prophet (pbuh) said:
'Review (what you have
memorized from) the Qur'an, for by the
One in Whose hands is my life, one will forget it faster than the time it takes
for an untethered camel to stray away from its master!' (Bukhari)
Therefore, one should complete
its recitation at regular intervals.
*One should recite the Qur'an in a beautiful manner. Allah
Almighty says:
recite the Qur'an with measured recitation.
*When one recites a verse from the Qur’an which talks about the
mercy of Allah Almighty one should ask Allah Almighty of His blessings. If one recites a verse
that relates to the punishment of Allah Almighty, they should seek refuge with Allah
Almighty from it.
*When one is reciting the Qur'an they should sit in a humble manner
and face the Qiblah (direction of the
*It is praiseworthy that one recite the Qur'an in proper order
(i.e. to recite from the first chapter till the last). If one recites a verse
of prostration they should prostrate. If someone greets them with Salam while they are reciting, it is
praiseworthy for them to respond. When one wants to continue with their
recitation, they can seek refuge with Allah Almighty and then continue reciting.
*One should recite what he has memorized during the night prayer.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
'When one recites the Qur’an throughout the night and day,
he will affirm whatever he has memorized. If he does not, he will forget (what he has memorized)!’ (Silsilah as-Saheehah #597)
*One should abstain from sinning, for its most apparent harm is
that it weakens one’s memory and causes them to forget the knowledge they have
*One should
behave appropriately when in the presence of a Sheik (or Qur’an teacher); he
should not raise his voice, laugh, or talk excessively.
*One should not recite when the Sheik is preoccupied or tired. The
student should be understanding and bear patiently with his Sheik if, at times,
he tends to be harsh.
*One should patiently wait for the Sheik to come to the Qur’an
circle. If the Sheik is busy, the students should ask him if they should wait
for him.
*One should always seek permission and not invade the privacy of a
Qur'an teacher. If he is sitting in a public place, then it is not required.
The student should not bother him by frequently taking permission to
*One should humble himself when sitting in front of the Sheik, even
if he is younger than him.
*One should learn keenly and try his best to memorize as much as he
can; but one should not overburden himself by trying to memorize that which he
cannot memorize in the time allotted to him.
*The one memorizing the Qur'an should be humble and kind to the
good, pious, and poor and needy.
*The one memorizing the Qur'an should be of high character and
morale. He should refrain from all that which is prohibited in the Qur'an and
*Ibn Masood () said:
'The memorizer of the Qur'an should be recognized for
performing night prayers when people are asleep and for fasting during the day (when people are not fasting). He should be recognized for his deep concern over the affairs of the Ummah when people are in a joyous mood.
He should be recognized for his silence when people are interacting with each
other. He should be recognized for his humbleness when people act in an
arrogant, haughty manner. He should shed tears, remain poignant (over the affairs of the Ummah)
and be wise, knowledgeable and peaceful.
He should not isolate himself, be harsh, ignorant, or scream.'
ash-Share'yah 2/103)
*One should honor and revere the people of Qur'an and not harm
to be continued . . . .
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