Chosen Islamic Manners
Mannerisms One Should Uphold Upon Reciting
the Qur'an
*One should be sincere when reciting it. Abu Hurairah, () said that he heard the Messenger of Allah () say:
first person to be judged on the Day of Resurrection is one who was martyred.
He will be brought forth and the grace of Allah upon him will be made known to
him, and it will be said: 'What did you do with the grace of Allah?' He will
answer: 'I fought in Your path until I was martyred.' It will be said: 'You
have told a lie! You fought so that it would be said that you were brave, and
it was said.' He will then be dragged on his face and tossed into the Fire. One
who learned knowledge and taught it and read the Qur'an will be brought forth.
The grace of Allah upon him will be made known to him and it will be said:
'What did you do with the grace of Allah?' He will answer: 'I learned knowledge
and taught it, and recited the Qur'an for Your sake.' It will be said you have
told a lie! You indeed learned and recited so that it would be said that you
were a scholar and an excellent recitor, and it was said! He will then be
dragged on his face and tossed into the Fire.' (Muslim)
*One should apply the commandments of the Qur'an. It is narrated in
the Hadeeth, which mentions the dream of the Prophet ():
"…it was said: 'go ahead, go ahead!' so we went ahead
and passed by a man who was lying on his back, another was standing by his head
with a boulder. He crushed his head with it and after he did this, the boulder
rolled away and when he finally got hold of it and retuned, the man's head
returned as it was, uncrushed. The man would once more crush his head. I asked
what is this! The two angels (who were
accompanying me) said: 'go ahead, go
ahead!' (afterwards they gave the explanation saying): 'As for the one whom you saw his head being crushed, he is a man whom
Allah gave the knowledge of the Qur'an and he did not recite it during the
night, nor did he apply its commandments during the day, and this will be his
punishment until the establishment of the Final Hour!' (Bukhari)
*One should review the Qur'an and read it constantly. The Messenger
of Allah () said:
'Review (what you have
memorized from) the Qur'an, for by the
One in Whose hands is my life, one will forget it faster than the time it takes
for an untethered camel to stray away from its master!' (Bukhari)
*Do not say: 'I forgot the Qur'an', rather say: 'I was made
to forget.' Abdullah b. Masood ()
'How disgracing it is for one of you to say: 'I forgot a
verse from the Qur'an; rather, he should say I was made to forget.' (Bukhari & Muslim)
*It is a must that one ponders the beautiful meanings of the
Qur'an. Allah says:
do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from any other than Allah,
they would have found within it much contradiction. (4:82)
*It is lawful for one to recite verses of the Qur'an when they are
standing, walking, sitting, lying down or riding. A'ishah, with whom Allah is
pleased, said:
'The Prophet () would rest his head in my lap, while I was menstruating, and recite
from the Qur'an.' (Bukhari & Muslim)
*It is lawful for one to carry with them a copy of the Qur'an.
*It is praiseworthy for one to purify their mouth with the Siwak before reciting the Qur'an. Hudhaifah () said:
'The Prophet () would purify his mouth with the Siwak, when he got up at night (to
perform the night prayer).' (Bukhari & Muslim)
*It is praiseworthy for one to start their recitation by mentioning
the name of Allah and to seek refuge with Allah from Satan.[1] If one is reciting
Surah At-Tobah (chapter# 9) they should not recite 'Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem'
before it.
*Saying Sadaqal'laawhol adtheem (Indeed Allah has told the truth)
repeatedly after each recitation is not appropriate since it has not been
authentically narrated.
*Imam an-Nawawi, may Allah have mercy on him, said: 'It is
praiseworthy for the one who starts reciting from the middle of a chapter in the
Qur'an to recite from the beginning of a related segment.' (Al-Adhkaar pg. 163)
*It is praiseworthy for one to
recite the Qur'an in a beautiful voice; on the same hand, it is blameworthy
that one recite the Qur'an in a quick manner. Allah says:
recite the Qur'an with measured recitation. (73:4)
*It is praiseworthy to lengthen the madd’ (vowel sounds) when one is reciting.
Anas b. Malik ()
was asked: 'How did the Prophet () recite the Qur'an? He answered: 'He
lengthened the vowel sounds during his recitation. He would say Bismillah
ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem while lengthening the vowel sound of 'Rahmaaaaaan' and 'Raheeeeeeem'.' (Bukhari)
*It is praiseworthy for one to beautifully recite the verses of the
Qur'an, but it is unlawful for one to sing the Qur'an like music. The Prophet ()
"Beautify your voices while reciting the Qur'an." (Abu Dawood)
*One should weep when reciting the Qur'an, or when listening to it.
It is mentioned in the Sunnah, on the authority of Abdullah b. Shakheer ()
that he said: 'I went to the Prophet ()
while he was praying, and I heard him weeping softly.' (Sharh as-Sunnah)
*It is praiseworthy for one to raise their voice while reciting the
Qur'an as long as they do not bother anyone. Abu Saeed () mentioned that
the Messenger of Allah () made I'tikaaf in the Masjid and he heard the Companions ()
raising their voices while they recited the Qur'an and he said:
'Each of you is beseeching his Rubb, so let not any of you disturb the other. Do not compete with
your brother and raise your voice over his when reciting from the Qur'an or
during prayers.'
(Abu Dawood)
*There is no specific du'aa
(supplication) that should be said upon completing the recitation of the
Qur'an. Marking this occasion with a celebration is inappropriate and is not of
the Sunnah of the Prophet ().
*One should refrain from reciting the Qur'an when he is extremely
tired. The Prophet () said:
'If one of you gets up during the night and wants to recite
the Qur'an but finds it difficult to recite clearly and is unaware of what he
is saying, let him lay down and
rest.' (Abu Dawood)
*One should choose a quiet, calm place and a good time to recite
the Qur'an, for this will benefit him in a greater manner.
*One should listen carefully and ponder the meanings of the verses of the Qur'an that are being recited. Allah says:
when the Qur'an is recited, then listen to it and pay attention that you may
receive mercy. (7:204)
*The one who is reciting the Qur'an should ask Allah to grant him Jannah (Heavenly Gardens) whenever he
recites verses that relate to Jannah.
One should also seek refuge with Allah from the Hell-Fire when he recites
verses that relate to it. Allah says:
is a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might
reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded. (38:29)
*It is lawful for a woman in her menopause or one who is
experiencing prolonged bleeding, to recite the Qur'an without touching it. She
may touch it indirectly according to the preponderant opinion, for it has not
been affirmed that the Prophet () forbade them from touching it.
*It is of the Sunnah that one says Subhanallah (far removed is Allah from every imperfection) when
they recite a verse of Tasbeeh. One
should seek refuge with Allah from Satan when they recite a verse of punishment
and ask Allah for goodness and blessings when they recite a verse concerning
the mercy of Allah. Hudhaifah () said:
'If one recites a verse of tasbeeh, he should declare Allah as being far removed from every
imperfection (i.e. to say Subhanallah). If one recites a verse mentioning the mercy of Allah one should ask
Allah for that. When one recites a verse about Hell, one should seek refuge
with Allah from it.' (Muslim)
*The one who wishes to recite the Qur'an should have wuhdu, wear
clean clothes, and recite it in a clean place. The ulama (scholars) differed regarding the young child; does he have
to have wudhu when touching the Qur'an? To be on the safe side, it is best that
he have wuhdu before touching it.
*It is best that one not interrupt or cut short one’s recitation.
The great Ta'beiee Na'fi' narrated
that Abdullah b. Umar () would not talk to anyone while he
was reciting the Qur'an until he
completed his recitation. (Bukhari)
*It is of the Sunnah that one prostrates when he recites a verse
that requires prostration. (Bukhari)
*It is unpraiseworthy for one to kiss the Qur'an or to put it
between their eyes. People tend to do this when they complete whatever they
want to recite of the Qur'an or if they find the Qur'an in a dishonorable
*It is unpraiseworthy for one to
decorate their walls with beautifully written verses of the Qur'an. One should
not talk in their daily life using verses of the Qur'an instead of normal
phrases. The least that can be said about this is that it is unpraiseworthy.
[1] i.e. one should say 'A'oodthu
bil'laah minash-shaitan ar-rajeem, Bismillah arRahman ar-Raheem' before
reciting from the Qur'an.
to be continued . . . .
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